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Portal V6.1.x on application server V7: Update GetNlsStrings.js

If we are migrating from Version 6.1.5, manually update the getNlsStrings.js file in Web Content Manager to work correctly in with this new version of portal.

  1. On the 6.1.5 server, click Applications > Content > Web Content Management.

  2. In the authoring portlet, click Edit Shared Settings.

  3. Add the blog library to the authoring portlet.

    1. Click Library Selection.

    2. Select Blog Resources from the list of available libraries, and click Add.

    3. Click OK.

  4. Update the getNlsStrings.js file.

    1. Download the new version of the getNlsStrings.js file from the WebSphere Portal product documentation.

    2. Ensure that the Blog Resources library is selected in the Library drop-down menu.

    3. Select Components.

    4. Select the check box for FILE - Get NLS Strings JS, and click Edit.

    5. In the File Resource Element section, click Browse and navigate to the updated getNlsStrings.js file that you downloaded.

    6. Click Save and read to update the file and verify the changes.

    If you do not update the getNlsStrings.js file before migration, the browser might display this error when displaying a blog or wiki page: ibmPortalConfig is not defined. If the error occurs after you update the getNlsStrings.js file, we might need to clear the browser cache or delete any temporary internet files to ensure that the latest version of the file is loaded from the server.

Parent: WCM specific steps