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Client side: WebDock portlet as publisher

To enable publishing, set the Publish event preference in the Edit Shared Settings mode to true.

The WebDock portlet sends events to other portlets on the same page using...

topicName is the topic to which the event is published. publisherData is the data passed as an argument to the handler function. Source elements contain user actions that triggered the publish events. publisherData is sent in the form of a DOM node.

To specify the type of elements that can result in the publishing of an event, set preference using comma-separated list...

To specify the type of events (onclick, onchanges) to be captured from inside the iframe of the WebDock portlet, set preference...

By default, the WebDock portlet publishes to the global topic...

We can set the publish topic by setting value in the preference...

...which is appended to the default global topic. For example, if "Publish event topic" is set to...

...then the queue where the WebDock portlet publishes the event is...

Parent: Web application bridge inter-portlet communication