Use Dojo 1.6.1 once modularized
After the themes and skins modularized, the Dojo 1.6.1 code is available as prepackaged modules which might be included in the module profile of the theme.Dojo source code is built into small, logical layer file that correspond to unique modules within the IBM WebSphere Portal system. Many Dojo modules prereq other Dojo modules, and many other modules which provide portal capabilities prereq certain Dojo modules as well. The following are the available ready-to-use modules that provide Dojo along with the actual files they reference. these files are located in PORTAL_HOME\theme\wp.theme.dojo\installedApps\dojo.ear\dojo.war\v1.6.
Module File dojo dojo/dojo.js dojo_dom dojo/_dom_layer.js dojo_app dojo/_app_layer.js dojo_fx dojo/_fx_layer.js dojo_fmt dojo/_fmt_layer.js dojo_node_list dojo/_NodeList_layer.js dojo_data dojo/_data_layer.js dojo_dnd_basic dojo/_dnd_basic_layer.js dojo_dnd_ext dojo/_dnd_ext_layer.js dijit dojo/_dom_layer.js dijit_app dijit/dijit.js dijit_menu dijit/_dijit_app_layer.js dijit_form dijit/_dijit_form_layer.js dijit_editor dijit/_dijit_editor_layer.js dijit_editor_plugins dijit/_dijit_editor_plugins_layer.js dijit_layout_basic dijit/_dijit_layout_basic_layer.js dijit_layout_ext dijit/_dijit_layout_ext_layer.js dijit_tree dijit/_dijit_tree_layer.js dojox_gfx dojox/_dojox_gfx_layer.js dojox_gfx3d dojox/_dojox_gfx3d_layer.js dojox_fx dojox/_dojox_fx_layer.js dojox_layout_basic dojox/_dojox_layout_basic_layer.js dojox_collections dojox/_dojox_collections.js dojox_uuid dojox/_dojox_uuid.js dojox_html_basic dojox/_dojox_html.js dojox_xml dojox/_dojox_xml_layer.js dojox_data_basic dojox/_dojox_data_basic_layer.js dojox_aspect dojox/_dojox_aspect.js dojox_string dojox/_dojox_string.js dojox_io dojox/_dojox_io.js dojox_mobile dojox/mobile.js.js dojox_mobile_app dojox/mobile/app.js.js dojox_mobile_compat dojox/mobile/compat.js dojox_mobile_app_compat dojox/mobile/app/compat.js For a list of the available Dojo source code files which are included in each module, open the build.txt file within the v1.6/dojo directory under the dojo was that is deployed on the ready-use WebSphere Portal system. That file indicates what Dojo source files are contained within each layer file.