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Move the page toolbar

We can change the tab order so that the tools come after the Edit mode button.

We can move the page toolbar to another place in the theme so that it displays after the page mode toggle button. This is sometimes more desirable for better accessibility. When using the keyboard to navigate the page with a screenreader, we can focus on the Edit mode button and the screenreader message is Go to edit mode. Page customization tools will display above button.

The face that the tools open at the beginning of the page means that a keyboard-only user needs to tab backwards to use them. Follow these steps if you require a tab order in which the tools come after the Edit mode button, or if you prefer the toolbar to be in the position as it was in previous releases.

  1. Open dav:fs-type1/themes/<My_Theme>/nls/theme_xx.html, where xx is the locale with which we are working

  2. Find the following code and remove it:
    <!-- iWidgets will fill in the two empty divs below -->
        <div id="customizeShelfContainer"></div><!-- used by the mm_customize_shelf module -->
        <div id="pageToolbarButtons"></div><!-- used by the mm_page_toolbar module -->

  3. In the main content div, <div class="wpthemeMainContent">, add the following code as the first item inside the div:
    <!-- iWidgets will fill in the two empty divs below -->
       <div id="pageToolbarButtons"></div><!-- used by the mm_page_toolbar module -->
       <div id="customizeShelfContainer"></div><!-- used by the mm_customize_shelf module -->

  4. Non that the editing tools are under the Edit mode button, change the accessible text that alerts the user that they will open before:

    1. Open PORTAL_HOME\theme\wp.theme.modules\webapp\installedApps\ThemeModules.ear\ThemeModules.war\themes\html\dynamicSpots

    2. Change both instances of the following code snippet to a more appropriate message, or remove it altogether:
      <portal-fmt:text key="theme.accessEdit" bundle="nls.commonUI"/>

Parent: Customize the theme