Apply a drag-and-drop source to the layout
We can apply different sources to the layout containers to control the drag-and-drop experience. When the DNDController initializes, it finds the newDNDSourceCSS class on the container, and performs the mapping to the custom.DNDSource and instantiatethat object.
- Add a source definition to the ibmCfg.themeConfig.dndSourceDefintions array in the form. The object class should be an inheritor of dojo.dnd.Source to function within the drag and drop framework, , for example:
{id:"newDndSourceCSS", object:"custom.DNDSource", orientation: "vertical"}
- Add the CSS class defined in dndSourceDefinitions to applicable containers in a layout template (layout.html):
<div class="component-container wpthemeCol wpthemePrimaryContainer ibmDndColumn wpthemeLeft newDndSourceCSS" name="ibmMainContainer"></div>
Parent: Drag-and-drop