Configure the Credential Vault adapter for Tivoli Access Manager
We can use IBM Tivoli Access Manager in the IBM WebSphere Portal Credential Vault service. WebSphere Portal includes a vault adapter to access the Tivoli Access Manager Global Sign-on (GSO) lockbox. Any existing Tivoli resource or resource credentials can be used in the portlets that access the credential vault service without any additional configuration. In addition, the credential vault service and credential vault management portlet can create new or update existing GSO lockbox entries.Users who are storing credentials in the file must be defined in Tivoli Access Manager as global signon (GSO) users.
To configure the Tivoli Access Manager vault adapter that is packaged with WebSphere Portal:
In a clustered environment on each node.
- Validate that the AMJRTE properties exists:
Operating system Task Windows ConfigEngine.bat validate-pdadmin-connection -DWasPassword=foo AIX SolarisLinux ./ validate-pdadmin-connection -DWasPassword=foo IBM i validate-pdadmin-connection -DWasPassword=foo Clustered environments:
- Complete this step on all nodes.
- WasPassword is the dmgr administrative password.
If the task does not run successfully: Run run-svrssl-config to create the properties file, see Create the AMJRTE properties file, then run validate-pdadmin-connection again. If the task is not successful after a second attempt, do not perform any subsequent steps in this topic. The face that the task does not run successfully indicates that the portal cannot connect to the Tivoli Access Manager server.
- Create and populate the WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/config/config/ file:
properties file
Operating system Task Windows ConfigEngine.bat enable-tam-vault -DWasPassword=foo from the WP_PROFILE\ConfigEngine AIXSolarisLinux ./ enable-tam-vault -DWasPassword=foo from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine IBM i enable-tam-vault -DWasPassword=foo from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine Clustered environments: WasPassword is the dmgr administrative password.
- Stop and restart servers, dmgrs, and node agents.
- Optional: Use the WAS encoding mechanism to mask the passwords in the production version of the file. The file contains the Tivoli Access Manager administrative password in the pdpw property.
Parent: Configure Tivoli Access Manager for non-z/OS operating systems
Start and stop servers, dmgrs, and node agents
Create the AMJRTE properties file