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Search for tagged content

Users can search the tag space using the browser search box.

This works only for browserthat support OpenSearch. For details refer to http://www.opensearch.org/Home. OpenSearch is a collection of technologies that allow publishing of search results in a format suitable for syndication and aggregation. It is a way for Web sites and search engines to publish search results in a standardized and accessible format.

To be able to search for tagged content from non-portal pages, visit the portal site, navigate to where the browser allows us to add or remove search engines and add the search engine named WebSphere Portal Tagging Search Service. For details about how to do this refer to the documentation for the browser. After we added the search service to the browser, we can search the tag space of the Portal via this search service.

The tagging search service searches only the portal site at which the service was added.

For example, if we use Firefox to access two different portal servers server1 and server2, and you then add the WebSphere Portal Tagging Search Service at server1. If you then navigate to server2 and try to search for a tag, the search service searches server1 for the specified tag, not server2.

Advantages are as follows:

By default the searches are case sensitive. To perform a case insensitive search, an administrator needs to enable tag normalization in the CP Configuration Service. For details refer to the topic about the CP Configuration Service for tagging and rating

Parent: Tagging and rating
Federating tags
Related reference:
How tagging and rating works in the portal
The tagging and rating user interface
Tagging and rating for static pages
Allow our own custom content to be tagged and rated
Configuration reference
Security for tagging and rating
Use xmlaccess.sh to administer tags and ratings
Administration of tag federation
Tips for tagging and rating
CP Configuration Service for tagging and rating
Querying for the OpenSearch description document

Open Search - http://www.opensearch.org/Home