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Configure a remote search service

  1. Log in to the portal as an administrator and go to...

  2. For the service name set either...

    • Remote PSE service EJB
    • Remote PSE service SOAP

  3. For the Search service implementation select...

      Portal Search Service Type

  4. To configure for remote search service via EJB...

    1. Edit the search service parameter PSE_Type and change its value to ejb.

    2. Modify the parameter IIOP_URL.

      Set its value to...


      ...where ejb_search_server.myco.com is the name of the remote search server and port is the port number that you obtained in the step to determine the port for EJB.

      For example, this can be iiop://ejb_server.your_company.com:2809 .

    3. Set parameter EJB to


      If you have modified the EJB parameter to a JNDI name of our own choice, use that name instead.

    To configure for remote search service as a Web service via SOAP...

    1. Edit parameter PSE_TYPE and change its value to soap.

    2. Modify the parameter SOAP_URL.

      Set its value to...


      ...where soap_search_server.myco.com is the name of the remote search server and port is the port number obtained in the step to determine the port for SOAP

      For example, this can be...


    SOAP support for remote search services has been deprecated with WebSphere Portal v8.0. EJB is still supported.

  5. Modify the parameter DefaultCollectionsDirectory to the portal search service.

    Use it to determine the default directory where the search collections are created on the server hosting the remote search service. This parameter does not have a default value.

  6. Add the parameter CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH to the portal search service.

    Use it to determine where the configuration data for search collections is stored on the server hosting the remote search service. The default is...


  7. Click OK to save the new search service.

    The Manage Search portlet now lists the new search service in the list of search services. A green check in the status column indicates that the new search service is working correctly. If the search service is not working properly, it has a red cross, and a message is displayed. Click the View details link of the message for more information about the problem and how to resolve it.

  8. Restart the portal server for the changes to take effect.

Parent: Administer Portal Search
Related: Prepare for remote search service
Search service configuration parameters