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Class attributes for a portlet container on static pages

To render a portlet container on a static page, we use a CSS file that makes use of the container microformat. One of the benefits is that users with the required access rights can later move the portlets by drag and drop.

To place a portlet container on a static page, use a style file that makes use of the container microformat. Refer to the following list of class attributes and the example of rendering a portlet container from HTML.

For the drag source, use the attribute from the portlet microformat when defining the portlet:

Rendering a portlet container from HTML

The following is an example of a microformat representation for a portlet container on a page:

<div id="content-area">
   <div class='portlet-container portal-drop-target' 
        id='7_CGAH47L0008K402D2V3F7I2005' name='c1' >
      <form class='drop-handler' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='POST'
         <input type='hidden' name='_charset_'>

   ... the actual portlets come here 

Parent: Define and render a static portal page in HTML
Related reference:
Example HTML markup for defining a portal page
Class attributes for portlets on static pages
Class attributes for components on static pages
Class attributes for iWidgets on static pages
Navigation options for static pages
Portlets for adding dynamic elements to static pages