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Change from a stand-alone repository to a federated repository on Solaris

If you originally configured a standalone LDAP user registry but find that you need a more robust security configuration, we can change to the federated user repository.

In a clustered environment, start the dmgr and nodeagent and verify they are able to synchronize.

Change from a standalone LDAP user registry to a federated repository

To ensure correct properties, use...

In the following instructions, where the step refers to wkplc.properties, use the wp_security_federated.properties helper file.

  1. Edit wkplc.properties

  2. Set the following required parameters under VMM Federated repository properties:

  3. Save changes to wkplc.properties.

  4. Change the configuration to use a federated repository...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-modify-federated-security -DWasPassword=foo -Dskip.ldap.validation=true

  5. Stop and restart servers, dmgrs, and node agents.

If you created the clustered environment, including the additional nodes, and then completed the steps in this task, run update-jcr-admin on the secondary nodes.

Parent: Update the user registry on Solaris
Start and stop servers, dmgrs, and node agents
Enable LDAP security after cluster creation