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LDAP search filter expressions

The rules for rule-based user groups are based on the LDAP search filter syntax.

For information about the LDAP search filter syntax, see RFC2254 - The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters in the related links section.

We can use this subset of the LDAP search filter syntax:

Attributes must not start with one of the operator symbols AND, OR, or NOT (&, |, or !), and they must not contain a comparison equal sign (=), or parentheses.

For example:

Syntax validation

When we define or modify a rule base user group, the rule-based user groups adapter validates the syntax for the LDAP search filter expression.

For example:

Parent: Rule-based user groups

RFC2254 - The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters - http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2254.html