Rule spot mappings
For a rule to be used on the Web site, it must be mapped to an existing content spot. A rule spot mapping is merely an association between a content spot and a rule. Changing the rulthat is executed in the run-time environment is as easy as mapping a different rule to a content spot.We create rule spot mappings within the Personalization workspace. There are two views for rule mappings: Rule Mappings by Campaign and Rule Mappings by Content Spot. The Rule Mappings by Campaign view shows all the rule mappings under a selected campaign a drop-down menu, and their mapped content spots and rules. This view includes the Default Mappings option which simply shows all the default mappings of each content spot. The Rule Mappings by Content Spot view shows all the rule mappings under a particular content spot, including the default mapping and any mappings under campaigns. We can change the personalization behavior of the Web site by mapping a different rule to a given content spot.
Although only one rule is executed when a content spot bean is invoked, we can have multiple rules simultaneously mapped to a content spot using campaigns. When creating a campaign, we can create a separate set of rule spot mappings for any or all of the content spots in the project.
When multiple campaigns are simultaneously active, campaign priorities and splits are used to determine the rule to execute. When multiple active campaigns have the same priority, the splits are used to calculate a percentage chancthat one mapping will be used instead of the others.
Splits can be changed for each rule spot mapping.
Rule spot mappings can be duplicated and moved from one campaign to another. The start and end date of the rule spot mapping may both be modified if they fall outside the range of dates for the campaign to which the spot mapping is moved. Multiple mappings can be added to the same spot within a campaign.
Parent: Personalization terms
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Next: Campaigns