Assigning attribute based administration rules to pages and portlets
Attribute based administration rules can be assigned manually in the portal in the Edit Properties and Edit Layout portlets, or through The rule must be present on the system in order to assign it to a page or portlet. We can usually use Personalization Publish to accomplish this.
- To map rules, non-administrator users must be given at least user access to the rulthat is being mapped and edit access to the page or portlet where the rule is being mapped.
- Pages or portlets on derived pages show an inherited visibility rule if no rule is defined for them. We cannot clear the inherited visibility rules on derived pages.
Use, we can assign a rule to a page or portlet. Set the parameter to indicate the rule to assign to the page or portlet. The value of the parameter should be the unique id or UUID of the rule. The UUID can be found by exporting the rule in the Personalization user interface and inspecting the exported XML for the jcr:uuid parameter.
For example, to assign a rule with the UUID 7ce9d5004ee31f41b0d3b944c9f7965c to a page or portlet, add the following parameter to the content-node in the XML access script:
<parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[7ce9d5004ee31f41b0d3b944c9f7965c]]</parameter>
Parent: Attribute Based Administration