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Portal Access Control REST API

The Portal Access Control REST API lets you remotely access and modify access control information for resources through the HTTP protocol.

The REST API for Portal Access Control provides the following URIs:

Supported HTTP methods

Feed Name GET method POST method PUT method DELETE method
Member 405 405 405 Removes a member from a role.
Member Collection Returns all members of a role. Allows the HTTP method POST. Adds a principal to the specified role. 405 405
Role Returns a role. 405 405 405
Role Collection Returns all roles of a resource. 405 405 405
Resource Config Returns a resource configuration. 405 Modifies the resource configuration. 405
Allowed Access Returns all access levels that the current user has been granted or has inherited. 405 405 405

Common response elements

The following XML framework is returned for GET requests on each of the feeds. It contains the link to itself, the title of the feed, the ID of the feed, the feed URI, and the timestamp when the feed was created. For collection feeds, the top-level element is an atom:feed and opensearch elements are included. For the other feeds, the top-level element is an atom:entry.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<atom:feed xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <atom:name>IBM WebSphere Portal/</atom:name>
  <atom:link href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/digest!F4eOOrdKv7QXA2o0iUT9A/ac/member:User@oid:ibm.portal.Home"

Common response elements for collection feeds

For collection feeds, the feed contains a list of atom:entry elements. Each entry includes the following additional information: the ID of the entry, the entry's URI, additional links, and a content element containing the actual information.

  <atom:link href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/digest!F4eOOrdKv7QXA2o0iU-T9A
   :User@oid:6_CGAH47L00GN960I4GOF1G510I3" rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <atom:content type="application/xml">
    <ac:member ac:id="8eAe13RO6G4CL3TGMIPDKBQ6MGHE53P02OTDI3T26M14LRSA6PDE"
                 ac:DN="all authenticated portal users" ac:type="virtual"/>

URI variables and their ranges

Member feed and the DELETE method

URI: ac:member:oid:<principalID>@role:<roleTypeName>@oid:<resourceID>

Parameters: None.

The HTTP DELETE method:

Member Collection feed and the GET method

URI: c:member:<roleTypeName>@oid:<resourceID>


The HTTP GET method:

The following is the result of the GET method. Each entry element in the member collection contains a single member element that specifies the member identity. The edit link can be used to remove the member from the role (DELETE on member feed).

<atom:entry ...>
 <atom:link href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/digest!F4eOOrdKv7QXA2o0iUT9A
      rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml"/>
 <atom:content type="application/xml">
  <ac:member ac:id="8eAe13RO6G4CL3TGMIPDKBQ6MGHE53P02OTDI3T26M14LRSA6PDE"
             ac:DN="all authenticated portal users" ac:type="virtual"/>

Member Collection feed and the POST method

URI: ac:member: <roleTypeName>@oid:<resourceID>

Parameters: None.

The HTTP POST method:

The POST payload for the Member Collection feed is as follows:

UID: ac:member: <roleTypeName>@oid:<resourceID>

The payload needs to include at least the following:

<atom:entry xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
  <atom:content type="application/xml">

As an alternative to ac:id, which is used to identify a Principal using the ObjectID, we can use the following alternative identifiers:

Role feed and the GET method

URI: ac:role:<roleTypeName>@oid:<resourceID>


The HTTP GET method:

The following is the result of the GET method:

<atom:entry ...>
  <atom:link href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mypoc/!ut/p/digest!TSVlGy5DI0S5vyp5i—yTw
    rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <atom:link ac:rel="members" href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/digest!TSVlGy5DI0S5vyp5i—yTw
   resolve-membership=true" rel="related" type="application/atom+xml"/>
 <atom:content type="application/xml">
  <ac:role ac:type="User">
   <ac:member         ac:id="8eAeI9EE3J5C63C8JM064RD2JMG613C2MM4C6BP4MM072JD6MI17P9E03R86H1"ac:display-name="wpsadmins"
     ac:DN="cn=wpsadmins,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" ac:type="group"/>

Role Collection feed and the GET method

URI: ac:role:oid:<resourceID>


URI: ac:role:oid:<resourceID>

The HTTP GET method:

The following is the result of the GET method:

<atom:feed ...>
  <atom:link href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mypoc/!ut/p/digest!TSVlGy5DI0S5vyp5i—yTw/ac/role:oid:myPage?mode=download"
          rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <atom:link ac:rel="members" href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/digest!TSVlGy5DI0S5vyp5i—yTw
    rel="related" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <atom:link href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mypoc/!ut/p/digest!TSVlGy5DI0S5vyp5i—yTw
    rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
  <atom:content type="application/xml">
   <ac:role ac:type="User"/>

Resource Config feed and the GET method

UID: ac:resourceconfig:oid:<resourceID>

Parameters: None.

The HTTP GET method:

The following is the result of the GET method:

<atom:entry ...>
 <atom:link href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/digest!TSVlGy5DI0S5vyp5i—yTw
                  /ac/resourceconfig:oid:myPage" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
 <atom:content type="application/xml">
      ac:DN="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" ac:type="user"/>
   <ac:role-block ac:block-type="inheritance" ac:type="Privileged User"/>
   <ac:role-block ac:block-type="propagation" ac:type="Delegator"/>

Resource Config feed and the PUT method

UID: ac:resourceconfig:oid:<resourceID>


The HTTP PUT method:

The POST payload for the Resource Config feed is as follows:

URI: ac:resourceconfig:oid:<resourceID>

The payload must be as follows:

<atom:entry xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
        xmlns:ac="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/lotus/access-control/v1.0" >
  <atom:content type="application/xml">
      <ac:owner ac:id="9eAe6BD86PGCHPD6JMCCG1D8MMG63JD0JM4C3BDAJMK6"/>
      <ac:role-block ac:block-type="inheritance" ac:type="MANAger"/>
      <ac:role-block ac:block-type="propagation" ac:type="Editor"/>
      <ac:role-block ac:block-type="propagation" ac:type="user"/>

The owner and role-block elements are optional.

As an alternative to ac:id, which is used to identify the owner using the ObjectID, use the following alternative identifiers:

Allowed Access feed and the GET method

UID: ac:access:oid:<resourceID>

Parameters: None.

The HTTP GET method:

The following is the result of the GET method:

 <atom:link href="http://setgetweb.com/p/portal80//wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/digest!TSVlGy5DI0S5vyp5i—yTw
                  /ac/access:oid:ibm.portal.Home" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
 <atom:content type="application/xml">
  <ac:allowed-access xmlns:ac="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/lotus/access-control/v1.0"
   <ac:access-level ac:type="Administrator"/>
   <ac:access-level ac:type="Security Administrator"/>
   <ac:access-level ac:type="Delegator"/>
   <ac:access-level ac:type="Manager"/>
   <ac:access-level ac:type="Editor"/>
   <ac:access-level ac:type="Contributor"/>
   <ac:access-level ac:type="Privileged User"/>
   <ac:access-level ac:type="User"/>

Parent: Portal Access Control interfaces