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Portal V7.0 cluster: Upgrade remote nodes


If the source and target nodes are not located on the same server, migrate the source application server profile to the primary node. After completing the process for the primary node, repeat the procedure for each secondary node.

Complete the following steps on the dmgr primary node. Then, repeat the procedure for each secondary node.

Upgrade remote nodes

  1. In the source environment, set values used by the new target dmgr in...


  2. If the target portal is on AIX, Linux, Solaris, or IBM i, increase the file descriptor limit on the target portal to 200000.

      ulimit -n 200000

  3. On the source environment run WASPreUpgrade

    cd supp_dir/bin/
    ./WASPreUpgrade.sh backup_dir source_WasHome 
                       -traceString trace_spec 
                       -traceFile trace_file 
                       -oldProfile wp_profile_name 
                       -machineChange true 


    backup_dir Directory on the source portal where WASPreUpgrade stores the exported profile data. must be the first parameter specified. If directory does not exist, WASPreUpgrade creates it. Do not use supp_dir or WAS_HOME directories for location.
    trace_spec Trace information to collect. Optional. To gather all trace information, specify "*=all=enabled" (including the quotation marks). If you include this parameter, also specify the trace_file. If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDir/logs directory. If we specify the -traceString parameter but omit the -traceFile parameter, the command does not generate a trace file.
    trace_file Name of the output file where trace information is stored. Optional. If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory. If we specify the -traceString parameter but omit the -traceFile parameter, the command does not generate a trace file.
    wp_profile_name Portal profile on the source environment.
    machineChange Required for remote migrations when source and target environment are separate machines. If not specified, the default value is false and used for local migrations.
    -Xmx2048 Set memory to 2 GB to avoid OutOfMemoryException

  4. scp -r backup_dir target_v8_node:/tmp

  5. Create a profile on the target node:

    cd WAS_HOME/bin
    ./manageprofiles.sh -create 
                        -enableAdminSecurity false 
                        -profileName wp_profile_name 
                        -profilePath profile_path 
                        -templatePath WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/default   
                        -nodeName source_node_name 
                        -cellName source_cell_name 
                        -hostName host_name 
                        -omitAction samplesInstallAndConfig defaultAppDeployAndConfig  


    wp_profile_name Profile on the target server or node to which the source portal profile is to be migrated.
    profile_path Profile location on the target server or node that is to contain the migrated source portal profile.
    source_node_name Node name of the source portal profile.
    source_cell_name Cell name of the source portal profile.
    host_name Host name for the target server or dmgr where we are creating the profile.

  6. Update the backup files you created when running WASPreUpgrade to point to the new environment. Replace the source dmgr host name with the target dmgr host name.



    backup_dir Is the directory you specified when running WASPreUpgrade.
    wp_profile_name Portal profile on the source environment.
    cell_name Name of the cell for the dmgr.
    cell_Manager Name of the cell manager node.

  7. Run the WASPostUpgrade command:

    cd WAS_HOME/bin
    ./ WASPostUpgrade.sh backup_dir 
                         -profileName wp_profile_name 
                         -oldProfile old_wp_profile_name 
                         -username source_admin_user 
                         -password source_foo 
                         -includeApps true 
                         -backupConfig false 
                         -traceString trace_spec 
                         -traceFile trace_file 


    backup_dir Directory where WASPreUpgrade stores the data that it exports from the source server, and from which the WASPostUpgrade command reads and imports data.
    wp_profile_name New portal profile on the target server or node to which the WasPostUpgrade command migrates the source portal profile.
    old_wp_profile_name Source portal's profile name. The profile name must already exist in the backup_dir directory you just provided.
    source_admin_user Administrator ID for the source portal. Specify the login form of the administrator ID rather than the fully qualified name; for example, specify wpsadmin rather than uid=wpsadmin, o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm.
    source_foo Administrator ID password for the source portal.
    trace_spec Trace information to collect. Optional. To gather all trace information, specify "*=all=enabled" (including the quotation marks). If you include this parameter, also specify the trace_file. If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDir/logs directory. If we specify the -traceString parameter but omit the -traceFile parameter, the command does not generate a trace file.
    trace_file Name of the output file where trace information is stored. Optional. If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory. If we specify the -traceString parameter but omit the -traceFile parameter, the command does not generate a trace file.

Parent: Portal V7.0 cluster: Upgrade application server nodes
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