Portal V6.1.x on application server V6.1 cluster: Upgrade the ConfigEngine tool
Upgrade the portal server ConfigEngine tool to the current level.Complete the following step on the target portal server primary node and secondary nodes.
To upgrade the ConfigEngine tool :
PORTAL_HOME/bin/upgradeConfigEngine.sh profile_name -conntype connection_type -WasRemoteHostName host_name -WasSoapPort port_number -user admin_name -password foo -LocalHostName local_host_name
- profile_name
- Name of the WebSphere Application Server profile that is the target of the upgrade.
- connection_type
- Type of connection that should be established. Valid connection types are SOAP (default), to be used for managed systems and NONE to be used for non-managed systems.
- host_name
- Host name of the application server (when migrating a stand-alone server) or dmgr (when migrating a clustered environment).
- port_number
- Port number of the application server (when migrating a stand-alone server) or dmgr (when migrating a clustered environment).
- admin_name
- Administrator user ID for the application server.
- foo
- Password for the administrator user ID.
- local_host_name
- Local system's host name. In a non-managed environment, the same as host_name.
Trace information is stored in the UpgradeConfigEngineTrace.log file in the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/log directory.
Parent: Portal V6.1.x on application server V6.1: clustered environment