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Portal V6.1.x on application server V6.1 stand-alone: Prepare files for remote migration

Before migrating to a remote server, prepare a directory containing required files from WebSphere Application Server combined with additional file that WebSphere Portal provides.

  1. On the WebSphere Portal v8.0 server create the file...


    For example: PORTAL_V8.0.0.0_WAS_V8_windows.x86_RemoteMigrSupport.jar.

    You must change to the bin directory before running this command.

      cd PORTAL_HOME/bin
      ./genRemMigPkg.sh /path/to/remote/zip/dir

    Where /path/to/remote/zip/dir is an existing directory used to contain the generated file. Specify the full path to the directory.

  2. Copy PORTAL_V8.0.0.0_WAS_V8_OS.arch_RemoteMigrSupport.jar from the WebSphere Portal v8.0 server into a temporary directory, for example supp_dir.

  3. Extract PORTAL_V8.0.0.0_WAS_V8_OS.arch_RemoteMigrSupport.jar.

  4. Ensure that read and execute permissions are set on the extracted files.

    For example:

    chmod -R 755 supp_dir

Parent: Portal V6.1.x on application server V6.1 stand-alone: Migrating the application server profile