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Portal V6.1.x on application server V6.1 stand-alone: Configure database repository library paths

Make sure the database repository library paths are appropriately configured.

On the target environment, the following steps need to be repeated on both primary and secondary nodes.

  1. If we configured a database user registry or a property extension database on the dmgr, set up access to the database drivers:

    1. Set the property value for federated.db.DbType if using a database user registry or set the property value for la.DbType if using a property extension database in wkplc.properties.

      If you migrated the primary node from a version prior to Version 6.1.0 and we are not using a database user registry or a property extension database, set the property value for federated.db.DbType to the same value that is in wkplc.properties on the primary node.

    2. To add the library paths to the VMM_JDBC_CLASSPATH variable:

      1. Log on to the WAS admin console.

      2. Click Environment > WebSphere Variables.

      3. Select scope: cell.

      4. Select the VMM_JDBC_CLASSPATH variable, for example...


        If this variable does not exist, click New to create the variable.

        We can confirm this value by clicking...

      5. Enter the complete paths to the library files in Value. These files must be JDBC Version 4 compliant, for example SQLLIB/java/db2jcc4.jar.

      6. Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes.

  2. Create the local dmgr WebSphere variable used to access the database drivers:

      Create the local dmgr WebSphere variable used to access the database jars...

        cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine
        ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-prep-vmm-db-secured-environment -DWasPassword=foo -DDbDomain=la|federated.db -Ddb_type.NodeDbLibrary=/path/to/dmgr/jars -DDmgrNodeName=dmgr_node_name

    Set db_type to your database type, for example db2. The /path/to/db/jars should be one of the following options:

    • DB2 Type 2 driver: db2java.zip
    • DB2 Type 4 driver: db2jcc4.jar;db2jcc_license_cu.jar
    • DB2 for z/OS Type 2 driver: db2java.zip
    • DB2 for z/OS Type 4 driver: db2jcc4.jar;db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar
    • Oracle: ojdbc14.jar
    • SQL Server JDBC driver: sqljdbc.jar

  3. Create the variable used to access the VMM database drivers:

      ConfigEngine.sh wp-node-prep-vmm-db-secured-environment -DWasPassword=dmgr_password -DDbDomain=la|federated.db -DVmmNodeName=node_name -Ddb_type.NodeDbLibrary=/path/to/db/jars.

    VmmNodeName is a list of one or more nodes names in the cell which share the same database driver paths. The db_type in db_type.NodeDbLibrary should be set to the type of database we are using, for example db2.

    • IBM DB2 for i Type 2 driver: /QIBM/ProdData/Java400/ext/db2_classes.jar
    • IBM DB2 for i Type 4 driver: /QIBM/ProdData/HTTP/Public/jt400/lib/jt400.jar

  4. Stop and restart all necessary servers to propagate your changes.

Parent: Portal V6.1.x on application server V6.1 stand-alone: Migrating databases