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Linux stand-alone: Create JCR table spaces

This topic provides manual instructions for creating JCR table spaces for Oracle.

If you have run the setup-database script, you should not perform the steps in this topic. In addition to creating JCR table spaces, the setup-database script automatically creates users and grants privileges.

Oracle Automatic Storage Management users should use the following instructions only as a reference. As you manually create the table spaces, create the exact table space names listed in this topic with the recommended sizes.

  1. In the database directory, create the data directory data and the index directory index.

  2. Create tablespaces . as examples:

    Substitute the values of the environment for the following variables:

    • &jcrdb. is the name of the database you created to store user data.

    • &dbpath. is the directory where you created the database; the default path is /oracle/oradata.

    Ensure that the '.' is included in the variables when you substitute the values of the environment with these variables.

    Use the same table space names listed in the commands. The table space names cannot be customized or modified.

    create tablespace ICMLFQ32 datafile '&dbpath./&jcrdb./data/&jcrdb._ICMLFQ32_01.dbf' size 300M reuse autoextend on next 10M maxsize UNLIMITED extent management local autoallocate;

    create tablespace ICMLNF32 datafile '&dbpath./&jcrdb./data/&jcrdb._ICMLNF32_01.dbf' size 25M reuse autoextend on next 10M maxsize UNLIMITED extent management local autoallocate;

    create tablespace ICMVFQ04 datafile '&dbpath./&jcrdb./data/&jcrdb._ICMVFQ04_01.dbf' size 25M reuse autoextend on next 10M maxsize UNLIMITED extent management local autoallocate;

    create tablespace ICMSFQ04 datafile '&dbpath./&jcrdb./data/&jcrdb._ICMSFQ04_01.dbf' size 150M reuse autoextend on next 10M maxsize UNLIMITED extent management local autoallocate;

    create tablespace ICMLSNDX datafile '&dbpath./&jcrdb./index/&jcrdb._ICMLSNDX_01.dbf' size 10M reuse autoextend on next 10M maxsize UNLIMITED extent management local autoallocate;

    1. Set the size, autoextend, and maxsize values according to the environment.

      For example, you may want to change the maxsize to a set value rather than UNLIMITED.

    2. Consult the Database Administrator for specific guidance about creating tablespaces for the environment.

    3. Refer to the Oracle command reference for more information about using the create tablespaces command.

  3. Ensure the database is registered with the Oracle listener. Use the tnsnames.ora file to describe this database and recycle the listener.

Parent: Linux stand-alone: Set up Oracle or Oracle RAC manually