Linux cluster: Prepare a Tivoli Directory Server
- Install Tivoli Directory Server
- Open the TDS Web Administration Tool
- Create a new directory suffix...
Server Administration folder | Manage Server Properties | Suffix
- Type the Base DN name for the suffix; for example...
- Click Add.
- Click OK to save the changes.
- Edit PORTAL_HOME/installer/wp.iim/ldif:
- Use PortalUsers.ldif as a working example .
- Use ContentUsers.ldif for the IBM Content Manager group and user IDs if you configured IBM Content Manager.
- Replace dc=myco,dc=com with your suffix.
- Replace any prefixes and suffixes that are unique to your LDAP server.
- Specify user names other than wpsadmin and wpsbind
- Save the changes.
- Import the LDIF file.
Here is a typical configuration for IBM PureApplication Platform W1500
- Virtual System Pattern (TDS)
- RHEL v6.3 64-bit OS part
- WAS 32-bit part
- Installation binaries for TDS 6.3 w/ Entitlement Script Package
- 150GB User Disk Add-on for /opt
- Virtual System Pattern (Wportal)
- DMGR part - version
- Portal Part version
- Remote DB2 part - version 10.1
- IBM Http Server part -