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Linux clustered server: Modify Oracle or Oracle RAC database properties

Modify the approriate properties files before transferring the data from the default database to the Oracle database.

Work with properties files

Set properties

  1. Make backup copies of the following files:

    • WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc.properties
    • WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc_dbdomain.properties
    • WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc_dbtype.properties
    • WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc_sourceDb.properties (When transferring from a database other than Derby.)

    Default values are listed in these files. Unless otherwise noted, all values are of type alphanumeric text string. Set the appropriate values for each instance of each property. In wkplc_dbdomain.properties, most properties are repeated for each domain.

  2. Set properties in wkplc_dbdomain.properties

      dbdomain.DbType oracle

      dbdomain.DbName=domain_db_name This value is also the database element in dbdomain.DbUrl.

      dbdomain.DbSchema=domain_schema_name Some database management systems have schema name restrictions. The value for dbdomain.DbSchema must equal the value for dbdomain.DbUser unless we are using a single user to manage all of the database schemas.
      dbdomain.DataSourceName=data_source_name Do not use the following reserved words:

      • releaseDS
      • communityDS
      • customizationDS
      • jcrDS
      • lmdbDS
      • feedback
      Oracle JDBC OCI Type 2 jdbc:oracle:oci:@//YourDatabaseServer:1521/service_name
      Oracle JDBC Type 4 jdbc:oracle:thin:@YourDatabaseServer:1521:service_name.
      Oracle RAC JDBC OCI Type 2 jdbc:oracle:oci:@//NODE_HOSTNAME:1521/NODE_INSTANCENAME
      Oracle RAC JDBC Type 4 1 jdbc:oracle:thin:@NODE_HOSTNAME:1521:NODE_INSTANCENAME

      The value for service_name in the database URL is the same value used for the service name value in the tnsnames.ora file on the Oracle database.

      dbdomain.DbUser User ID for the database configuration user. The value for dbdomain.DbUser must equal the value for dbdomain.DbSchema unless we are using a single user to manage all of the database schemas.
      dbdomain.DbPassword Password for the database configuration user.
      dbdomain.DbConfigRoleName Group for database configuration users. Database rights are granted to this group instead of individuals. The user specified for dbdomain.DbUser must be assigned to this group.
      dbdomain.DbRuntimeUser Database user used by WebSphere Portal to connect to the database at runtime. If no value is specified for this setting, the database configuration user will be used to connect to the databases at runtime.
      dbdomain.DbRuntimePassword Password of the runtime database user.
      dbdomain.DbRuntimeRoleName Name of the group for database runtime users. Database rights are granted to this group instead of individuals. The user specified for dbdomain.DbRuntimeUser must be assigned to this group.
      dbdomain.DBA.DbUser Optional. DB administrator user ID for privileged access operations during database creation and setup. Required.if you run the create-database and setup-database ConfigEngine tasks . The database administrator must have SYSDBA permissions. If you do not need this parameter, we can either accept the default value or leave blank.
      dbdomain.DBA.DbPassword Set the database administrator password for privileged access operations during database creation. If not needed, we can either accept the default value or leave blank.
      dbdomain.DbHome Set the root location for the database.

    1 The WebSphere Portal server must explicitly connect to one RAC node during database transfer. Specify the information of one Oracle RAC node as if it is the only database server. The database transfer script does not parse the full Oracle RAC URL due to multiple host names. When database transfer is completed, the WebSphere Portal server will be configured to use this single database server. After transferring your data, use the WAS admin console to access the datasource definition, and update the URL to use the format of a RAC URL.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Update the following properties in wkplc_dbtype.properties.

    1. For oracle.DbDriver, set the name of the Oracle JDBC driver class.
    2. For oracle.DbLibrary, type the directory and name of the .jar file containing the JDBC driver class.
    3. For oracle.JdbcProviderName, set the name of the JDBC provided that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases.

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Update the WasPassword value in wkplc.properties. This value is the password for the WAS security authentication used in the environment.

  7. Save and close the file.

Parent: Linux clustered server: Set up a remote Oracle or Oracle RAC database
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