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Localizing a new virtual machine instance on Linux

If we are using VMware ESX, we can create a virtual environment that allows us to create virtual instance. When a new virtual instance is created, update IBM WebSphere Portal with the machine-specific information, such as the host and node names of the instance.

Install and configure VMware ESX to create a virtual machine environment. You must also have WebSphere Portal installed and if appropriate configured before localizing the virtual machine instance.

To localize a new virtual machine instance:

  1. Stop the WebSphere_Portal server running on the virtual machine.

  2. Verify the server1 server is running on the virtual machine. If it is not running, start the server.

  3. Update the host name for the virtual machine instance per the instructions of the operating system.

  4. Run the ./wsadmin.sh -c "\$AdminTask changeHostName {-nodeName node_name -hostName new_host_name}" command from the WP_PROFILE\bin directory to update the WebSphere Portal host name in the IBM WAS configuration.

    node_name is the node name of the current configuration and new_host_name is the TCP/IP host name of the new virtual machine instance.

  5. Optional: Update the node name in the IBM WAS configuration:

    1. Run the ./wsadmin.sh -c "\$AdminTask renameNode {-nodeName old_node_name -newNodeName new_node_name}" command to update the node name in the IBM WAS configuration.

      old_node_name is the original node name of the current configuration and new_node_name is the new node name we use for this instance.

      Remember: This step is necessary to create a unique node name if we are federating and clustering this node.

    2. Edit the ./setupCmdLine.sh file, located in the WP_PROFILE\bin directory and modify the SET WAS_NODE=node_name entry to specify the updated node name.

    3. ./ConfigEngine.sh rename-node-in-cell-registry -DWasPassword=foo -DpreviousNodeName=oldNodeName, from WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine, where oldNodeName is the prior value of the node name.

  6. ./ConfigEngine.sh localize-clone -DWasPassword=foocommand from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine to update WebSphere Portal with the information from the IBM WAS configuration.

  7. ./ConfigEngine.sh action-clean-scheduled-tasks -DWasPassword=foocommand to clear any scheduled tasks. Existing scheduled tasks might reference the old hostname.

  8. Start the WebSphere_Portal server on the virtual machine.

WebSphere Portal is now ready to be used in this virtual machine instance.

Parent: Install on Linux
Virtual environments