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Linux clustered server: Set up a remote DB2 for z/OS database

View information on installing and setting up DB2 for z/OS to work with WebSphere Portal.

  1. Linux clustered server: Install DB2 for z/OS
  2. Linux clustered server: Modify DB2 for z/OS database properties
  3. Linux clustered server: Use JCL templates to set up DB2 for z/OS
  4. Linux clustered server: Create DB2 for z/OS users
  5. Linux clustered server: Create remote DB2 for z/OS databases
  6. Linux clustered server: Grant privileges to DB2 for z/OS database administration users
  7. Optional: Linux clustered server: Assign custom DB2 for z/OS table spaces
  8. Linux clustered server: Configure the portal to use DB2 for z/OS

Parent: Linux clustered server: Configure the portal to use a database