

###  icm.properties
###  This file specifies the settings for the IBM Content Repository.



###  Administrator Unique Name
###  This value should be the uniqueName for the administrator id to be used by the repository.
###  When running inside Websphere Portal, this MUST specify the dinstinguished name (dn)
###  for a member of the wpsadmins group.


###  Repository Thread Manager Settings
###  Set value to NONE if not running in managed thread environment.
###  Otherwise, set value to the workmanager names to be used. The jcr.workmanager.name queue is used ###  by the observation and audit support threads; while the ci.workmanager.name queue is used by the core
###  library server.


###  Binary Property Handling
###  The following properties customize the handling of binary values by the repository.
###  1. Set jcr.useLazyInitBinaryValue = true to "lazy" load binary values
###  2. Set jcr.binaryValueFile = true to use a "temporary" file for binary value processing
###  3. Set jcr.binaryValueFileDir = temporary directory path to hold binaryValue files. This setting is used if jcr.binaryValueFile = true.
###  If the directory specified for jcr.binaryValueFileDir contains any writeable child directories, 
###  then those child directories will be used to store the binary value temporary files and not the parent directory itself. 
###  Storage across the child directories is done via a simple distribution distribution algorithm.
###  If the directory specified does not contain any writeable child directories, 
     then the specified directory alone is used to store the temporary files.
###  4. Set jcr.cache.binary.enabled = true to enable a persistent cache for binary value processing
###   Files stored in here will not be deleted until determined out of sync with the database.  Cleanup based on size
###   threshold is determined by the other cache parameters.  
###  5. Set jcr.cache.binary.fileDir to the directory path for the cache
###  6. Set jcr.cache.binary.threshold to the number of GB of disk space you want allotted for the binary cache
###  7. Set jcr.cache.binary.maintenanceInterval to number of minutes to wait between cache cleanup operations


### jcr.cache.binary.enabled=true
### jcr.cache.binary.fileDir=C:/jcr/binaryCache
### jcr.cache.binary.threshold=500
### jcr.cache.binary.maintenanceInterval=30

###  Debug the workspace state
###  When enabled, StrongWorkspaceState will trace the stack trace when the number of nodes in memory
###  exceed this threshold

### jcr.workspace.debug.stateThreshold=10000

###  To enable Websphere Portal Server support, set service ###  jcr.repository.servicemanager.service.com.ibm.icm.jcr.service.access.AccessManagerService=
###  com.ibm.icm.jcr.service.access.WPSAccessManagerServiceImpl


###  The following settings enable the content repository to communicate with the database.
###  If a Datasource is used, the jcr.database.datasource property must be specified; otherwise
###  the remaining non datasource connection properties must be specified.

###  Database Type
###  This value MUST be specified and specifies the type of database being connected to.


###  Datasource Connection Settings
###  This value MUST be specified if a Datasource is to be used for connection management.
###  Set to the name of the datasource to be used. If a datasource is NOT to be used, this
###  value should be set to empty and the Non Datasource Settings sections MUST be completed.


###  Non Datasource Connection Settings
###  The remaining section values must be specified if a Datasource is not used to connect to the database.
###  For DB2_ZOS the jcr.database.name is the location name for the DB2 subsystem.


###  Database Driver
###  OLD Behavior (still supported)
###  Needed for DB2 database drivers.
###  Possible values CLI, UNIVERSAL. By default its UNIVERSAL
###  NEW Behavior specifies Individual JDBC Connection Database Driver classname.
###  If not specified or OLD values used, then Old behavior will results ###  
###  Example values:	
###  com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver	  
###  com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver    
###  COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver    
###  com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver
###  com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jDriver
###  org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
###  oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
###  com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver
###  com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver  
###  com.ddtek.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver


###  Connection Pool Datasource Driver classname. 
###  If this is specified the classname must implement javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
###  If not supplied the default mechanism for determining the classname is used. 
###  Example values:
###  com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource   
###  COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource  
###  com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.UDBConnectionPoolDataSource  
###  com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jConnectionPoolDataSource    
###  org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource  
###  oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource          
###  com.microsoft.jdbcx.sqlserver.SQLServerDataSource	 
###  com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnectionPoolDataSource   
###  com.ddtek.jdbcx.sqlserver.SQLServerDataSource


###  Database JDBC URL
###  Used to get a connection.  Applies to both individual and pooled connection.
###  ONLY MS JDBC 1.1/1.2 and Oracle support setURL on their implementations of ConnectionPoolDataSource.


###  Database Capability Support for Recursive SQL
###  If not specified, this value defaults to:
###  true when Database Type is DB2 or Oracle
###  false for all other Database Types

### jcr.database.capability.recursivesql.enabled=false

###  Database Capability Support for SELECT FROM DELETE SQL
###  If not specified, this value defaults to:
###  true when Database Type is DB2
###  false for all other Database Types
###  Current the only other valid database type to enable this for is DB2 zSeries v9+
### jcr.database.capability.selectdelete.enabled=false

###  Control transaction usage around jcr read only operations.  
###  Reduces overhead introduced by autocommit for the DB2 on z/OS database platform.  Setting ###  the value of this property to true will cause JCR to encapsulate large blocks of read-only database
###  operations in a transaction.
###  The default value for this property is false except for the DB2 z/OS database where it is true.
### jcr.read.transaction.enabled=true

###  The maximum set size that a database can efficiently support for an SQL "IN (,,)" clause
###  If not specified, this value defaults to 999 except on Oracle where the default is 99
### jcr.database.max.literalSetSize=99

###  The maximum number of items that a database can retrieve on a single call, based on the complexity
###  of the overall column width and parameter marker combination.  Too high a value will cause a database
###  exception indicating the prepared statement is too complex. 
###  If not specified, this value defaults to 100
### jcr.database.max.itemidretrieval=100

###  The maximum number of parameter markers that a database can  support for a singel SQL statement
###  If not specified, this value defaults to the following:
###  DB2 LUW - Unlimited
###  Oracle - 32000
###  SQL Server - 2000
###  DB2/z - 1000
###  DB2/i - 4000
###  Derby - 500
### jcr.database.max.statement.parameterMarkers=500

###  DB2_ZOS Connection specific properties
###  Needed for DB2_ZOS

### DB2_ZOS specific properties for support of multiple tablespace
### specify the STO GROUP for the tablespace if multiple tablespace option is enabled

### specify the UNICODE support for the database, the default is TRUE

### specify the bufferpool name for the BLOB attributes, the default is BP32K1

### specify the list of BP4K bufferpool that can be used by the JCR database to create the user table

### specify the list of BP4K bufferpool that can be used by the JCR database to create the indexes user table

### specify the list of BP32K bufferpool that can be used by the JCR database to create the user table

###  Required properties:
###  1. Set jcr.textsearch.enabled = false to disable text search support at runtime
###  2. Set jcr.textsearch.indexDirectory equal to the directory where search index is to be stored ###  (ignored if text search disabled). This value should be specified if text search support is enabled.
###  The remaining properties are optional. You MUST uncomment the property to change its value from the default.
###  The default values are specified with each property and will be used if the property is not uncommented and its
###  value changed.

###  Whether text search is enabled. Set this value
###  to false to disable the text search runtime.


### Max number of threads supported by text search for fullcrawling(reindexing)
### default value is 2 if commented out.


### Interval(in minutes) for cleanup of expired seedlist resources.
### default value is 30 minutes if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.text.search.seedlist.cleanup.interval=30

### Context of the seedlist servlet.
### The dafault value is seedlist.In case if the seedlist context is modified
### then this property should be uncommented and modified with the new value.

### jcr.textsearch.seedlist.url.context=seedlist

### Application host name which is required to be specified in DisplayURL information
### in seedlist message.


### Application port number which is required to be specified in DisplayURL information
### in seedlist message.


### Bus name used for creating the JMS topic.


### Client identifier required by the subscriber for subscribing to the seedlist message


### set jcr.textsearch.searchengine = SEEDLIST to use seedlist for search
### Set this value to JURU to use JURU for search . default value is seedlist.


### To enable search service 
### set jcr.textsearch.service.searchadapter = portal:service/search/SearchAdapter or with given searchAdapter.


### To enable search service 
### set jcr.textsearch.search.service=com.ibm.lotus.search.plugins.pse.PSESearchFactoryImp or with given search service.


### To enable admin service 
### set jcr.textsearch.admin.service=com.ibm.lotus.search.plugins.pse.PSEAdminFactoryImp or with given admin service.


### PSE type specifies if the search service is a local or is it a remote search service.
### for local search service , set jcr.textsearch.PSE.type = localhost
### for remote search service , set jcr.textsearch.PSE.type = EJB or SOAP based on configuration of search server.


### if PSE.type is a SOAP service , then set this value with the SOAP url of webscanner of search server.
### the value looks like "http://localhost:9080/WebScannerSOAP/servlet/rpcrouter"


### if the PSE.type is a EJB servie, then set the below to parameters.
### "IIOP_URL" - The url of the naming service used to access the WebScannerEJB.
### For example: "iiop://localhost:2811".
### "EJBName" -  The name of the WebScanner EJB.
### For example: "ejb/com/ibm/hrl/portlets/WsPse/WebScannerLiteEJBHome".


jcr.textsearch.EJB.EJBName =

###  The number of minutes to wait before cleaning unreclaimed resources associated with
###  a jms topic .
###  This value defaults to 5 if not uncommented and changed.


###  The number of days to wait before cleaning unreclaimed resources associated with
###  a jms topic  for incremental crawling.
###  This value defaults to 2 days if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.incrementalcrawl.cleanup.interval=2

###  The directory for indexes to be stored.
###  This value should be specified if text search is enabled.


### This value determines the number of search results returned , by default it is 100
### uncomment this value to increase or decrease the number of search results returned.

### jcr.textsearch.max.search.results=100

### This value determines the number of jms messages published per crawler session , by default it is 10000
### uncomment this value to increase or decrease the number of jms messages published per session.

### jcr.textsearch.max.jms.messages=10000

###  convertor to use to convert binary property content to plain text
###  options:
###    com.ibm.icm.ts.convertor.NoConvertor    - No binary conversion
###    com.ibm.icm.ts.convertor.WpsConvertor    - DCS support
###  This value defaults to com.ibm.icm.ts.convertor.NoConvertor if not ###  uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.convertor = com.ibm.icm.ts.convertor.NoConvertor

s### Length at which documents will be truncated when being processed for text indexing.
### Specifically, any content in a document beyond this limit will be truncated at the specified limit.
### The default value is 10,000KB. Change the limit uncommenting the property and set the
### new value in KB.  Please note that the minimum truncation length is 200KB.
### jcr.textsearch.max.doclimit=10000

### Default value of application URI used by seedlist
### Not to be changed unless advised.

### jcr.textsearch.seedlist.default.application.uri=wps/mypoc/?view=auth&uri=wcm:oid:

###  Index maintenance interval in minutes
###  This value defaults to 60 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.indexmaintenance.interval = 60

###  Maximum number of events to process for a single index
###  during index maintenance
###  This value defaults to 100000 if not uncommented and changed.
###  To process all events set this value to Integer.MAX_INT = 2^31 -1

###  jcr.textsearch.indexmaintenance.maxIndexEventsPerInterval = 100000

###  Block size to process pending event.
###  Determines how many to read from pending table and then mark complete
###  at a time.
###  This value defaults to 1000 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.indexmaintenance.eventBlockSize = 1000

###  Number of minutes to wait before cleaning unreclaimed resources associated with
###  a query. This should be longer than the longest running queries.
###  This value defaults to 1440 (24 hr) if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.queryCleanupTimeout=1440

###  In EmbeddedServer mode, the total number of threads used by text search server to
###  handle communications with the server, search requests, and index maintenance.
###  This value defaults to 10 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.embeddedServer.paralleldegree = 10

###  In HTTPServer mode, the number of threads on api (per repository) to
###  handle communications with the server.
###  This value defaults to 5 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.api.search.paralleldegree = 5

###  In HTTPServer mode, the number of threads (or async beans) to handle
###  search requests.
###  This value defaults to 5 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.server.search.paralleldegree = 5

###  In HTTPServer mode, the number of threads (or async beans) to maintain indexes.
###  This value defaults to 1 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.server.indexmaintenance.paralleldegree = 1

###  interval (in minutes) for cleaning up expired search result tables
###  (older than jcr.textsearch.queryCleanupTimeout)
###  and unclaimed indexes
###  The value defaults to 5 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.cleanup.interval = 5

###  the lang that will be used by the text index if the language is not specified
###  when the workspace is created.  If the language is not specified when
###  creating the workspace and this value is not set, then the default will be
###  taken from the locale of the JVM
###  This value defaults to en_US if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.workspace.defaultLanguage=en_US

###  number of text search results to add to the temporary results table at a time
###  for a query NOT containing SUBTREE or SUBTREE_UUID clauses.
###  Query may request additional "results pages", depending on how many matches
###  need to be returned. Without this parameter, there can be performance impact on
###  query to process too many results in one table.
###  This value defaults to 100 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.pagingBlockSize = 100

###  number of text search results to add to the temporary results table at a time.
###  for queries with SUBTREE or SUBTREE_UUID clause.
###  Query may request additional "results pages", depending on how many matches
###  need to be returned. Without this parameter, there can be performance impact on
###  query to process too many results in one table.
###  Since typical queries with SUBTREE or SUBTREE_UUID clause do not have the path
###  constraints that the normal queries do and thus perform better, this value is set
###  to higher value than the normal pagingBlockSize.
###  This value defaults to 500 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.subtreePagingBlockSize = 500

###  maximum number of text search results to insert in the temporary results table
###  at a time. Batch inserts are used to populate the temporary results table.
###  This value defaults to 100 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.hitBatchInsertSize = 100

###  number of new temporary results tables created when no new tables are available.
###  Tables may not be available when concurrent search requests are executing and all
###  existing tables are in use.
###  This value defaults to 20 if not uncommented and changed.

### jcr.textsearch.numNewSearchTables = 20

###  Wildcard expansion:
###  Controls how many terms a wildcard is expanded to by underlying serach engine.
###  The terms consist of ALL terms in the index (so all content in the workspace).
###  NOTE:
###  When running inside Websphere Portal, this setting affects ALL PDM document libraries,
###  as all libraries are stored in a single index.
###  Ex: index contains term1, term2, ..., term100
###  expansion_terms              matching_terms
###  ---------------              -----------------------------------
###  10                           10 - such as term1,term2,..,term10
###  20                           20 - such as term1,term2,..,term20
###  The higher the number the more potential matches for wildcard, but this also
###  results in potentially slower search performance.
###  This value defaults to 20 if not uncommented and changed.
### jcr.textsearch.wildcardTermExpansionSize = 20

###  Juru index memory optimization level for build and search index.
###  Values default to 1 (for build) and 3 (for search), if uncommented.
###  The values allowed are 0-9 scale. Value of 0 indicates minimal memory
###  usage, with possible effect of hurting indexing performance. Value of 9
###  indicates large memory usage, with advantage of better indexing performance.
### jcr.textsearch.juruBuildMemoryConsumptionLevel=1
### jcr.textsearch.juruSearchMemoryConsumptionLevel=3

###  This property defines how queries are parsed. When turned on, the query [file] will look for documents that match
###  the variations of 'file' and also exact matches of 'file'.
###  Note that turning this property on has significant performance impact on search response time. The user can search
###  for exact matches of 'file' by typing ["file"] in the search box.
### jcr.textsearch.keepOriginalWords=false

###  This property specifies how index recreation is done if a juru indexes is corrupt and must be rebuilt.
###  The two options are sync and async
###  The sync option will cause the reindex process to traversal the jcr node hierarchy and process all of the nodes as one continual operation.
###  Note that the Application server must remain running until this completes successfully
###  The async option will generate indexing events for each node in the jcr hierarchy.  Subsequently events will be reindexed in batches and 
###  the Application server can be stopped at any time  and the reindex will resume where it left off upon restart.
###  The default if no value is specified is sync
### jcr.textsearch.reindex.type=async

###  Enable/Disable collation support for all DB2 platforms ###  Disabled by default
jcr.query.collation.db2.enabled =false

###  Database specific collation mappings
###  These mappings apply map a Java locale name into a collation name
###  supported by the underlying database.
###  Example mappings for Oracle platform

###  Spanish (Argentina)
### jcr.query.collation.es_Ar = SPANISH

###  Finnish
### jcr.query.collation.fi = FINNISH

###  XPATH Query SQL Predicate Hinting
###  This properties enables support for an optimization in the JCR to supply hints in-line with the SQL when certain predicate conditions are matched.
###  Currently this option is ONLY SUPPORTED ON ORACLE databases.  Enabling it on other platforms will do nothing
###  The property takes a list of criteria that we will try to match, with their order of precedent(first being the highest) and the hints that are provided to Oracle.  
###  The format is:
###  [jcr:propName,future,future,hintToUse].....
###  The hintToUse field should be provided in form that is consumable by java.text.MessageFormat
###  Example for WCM Authoring
###  jcr.query.predicate.hint.optimization.info=[icm:authors,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})][icm:title,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})][ibmcontentwcm:linkType,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})][ibmcontentwcm:classification,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})][ibmcontentwcm:draftClassification,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})][ibmcontentwcm:deletionClassification,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})][jcr:lastModified,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})][ibmcontentwcm:workflowStatus,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})][jcr:isCheckedOut,*,*,opt_param(''_optimizer_squ_bottomup'',''FALSE'') leading({0}) use_nl({1})]

###  XPATH Query Timeout
###  This properties enables support for a timeout value to be set when executing JCR XPATH queries.  The value is in seconds.  If a timeout occurs, JCR will log an error in the logs
###  but the query will return without an exception, it just will have no results.  If no value is provided, the default behavior is to not set a timeout effectively
###  allow the query to run until completion, regardless of how much time that takes.  This feature is not supported if the Database Type is Derby
###  Example to set the timeout to 45 seconds.
###  jcr.query.timeout = 45

###  This property defines the count of tuples that would be deleted from the TSPENDING and TSPATHINFO tables batchwise.
###  The default value for this property if not modified would be '200000'
###  Note that changing the default value would have significant performance impact to delete
### jcr.textsearch.batchDeleteThreshold=200000

###  Set to true to enable the transactional awareness of observation.  The spec methods
###  to add/remove/query observations will still function, but the observation manager will
###  not be notified of any persistent changes if this flag is set to false.
jcr.observation.enabled =false

###  For copy/move operations, set to true to enable observation events from all nodes beneath
###  the root node being copied or moved. Otherwise, a listener will only be informed of the
###  root of the copy/move operation.
jcr.observation.deepObservationEnabled =false

###  The value specified here determines at what layer the events are filtered at for observation
jcr.observation.eventFilterEngine =com.ibm.icm.jcr.observation.PersistentEventFilterEngine

###  Enable/Disable support for runtime internal caching in the JCR implementation
###  Values: true  = caching enabled
###  		  false = caching disabled
###  		  Default:  true

###  Trace by UserID
###  Limits enabled tracing to specific users.  The value can be one or more fully qualifed (DN) userIds.
###  When providing more than one name, separate the values with a colon.  Additional, there are two internal values
###  (provided below) that can be used to turn on tracing when Anonymous or System Credentials are used to access JCR.
###  PLEASE Tracing must be enabled for this to have effect.  Setting this value will only filter the enabled tracing.
###  Also Note: Changing this value requires a restart of JCR to take effect.
###  Values: 
###          uid=anonymous,o=jcrInternal  = Enable tracing for Tickets created with Anonymous Credentials
###  		  uid=system,o=jcrInternal     = Enable tracing for Tickets created with System Credentials
###  		  Default                      = Enable tracing for all users
### jcr.trace.filter.userlist=uid=wpsadmin,o=default organization
### jcr.trace.filter.userlist=uid=wpsadmin,o=default organization:uid=system,o=jcrInternal

###  Query Inline Results filtering
###  Setting this to on causes JCR to ALWAYS attempt to perform security filtering of XPATH query results ###  Setting this to off causes JCR to NEVER attempt to perform security filtering of XPATH query results ###  Setting this to onApp(default) this setting is the same as "on" except the behavior can be over-ridden on a per query based by the caller
###  Setting this to offApp  this setting is the same as "off" except the behavior can be over-ridden on a per query based by the caller

### jcr.query.inline.filtering=onApp

###  Node Retrieve Inline Results filtering
###  Setting this to on causes JCR to ALWAYS attempt to perform security filtering of Node Retrieval
###  Setting this to off causes JCR to NEVER attempt to perform security filtering of Node Retrieval
###  Setting this to onApp(default) this setting is the same as "on" except the behavior can be over-ridden on a per call based by the caller
###  Setting this to offApp  this setting is the same as "off" except the behavior can be over-ridden on a per call based by the caller

### jcr.retrieve.inline.filtering=onApp

###  Query Inline Results filtering checks dependent nodes
###  NOTE that this setting has no effect if Query Inline Results filtering is not enabled
###  Setting this to on causes JCR to ALWAYS include dependent nodes when performing security filtering of XPATH query results ###  Setting this to off causes JCR to NEVER include dependent nodes when performing security filtering of XPATH query results ###  Setting this to onApp this setting is the same as "on" except the behavior can be over-ridden on a per query based by the caller
###  Setting this to offApp(default)  this setting is the same as "off" except the behavior can be over-ridden on a per query based by the caller

### jcr.query.inline.filtering.includeDependants=offApp

###  Filter Control Characters from JCR String Properties during save.
###  Setting this to true (default) causes the JCR to remove all control characters (ISO 0x00-0x1F) from String property values during a save 
###  EXCEPT for Horizontal Tab, Line Feed and Carriage Return
###  Setting this to false causes JCR to leave the String property values unchanged

### jcr.string.property.control.character.filtering=true
