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Associate an HTML rendering server with WebSphere Portal on IBM i

After selecting a display number for the HTML rendering server (X virtual frame buffer for X server), you must associate this server with the installed IBM WebSphere Portal profile.

To associate the HTML rendering server (X virtual frame buffer for X server) with WebSphere Portal:

  1. Log on to the WAS admin console and go to...

      Servers | Server Types | WebSphere appservers | WebSphere_Portal | Server Infrastructure | Java and Process Management | Process definition | Environment Entries | New

  2. In the Name field type DISPLAY.

  3. In the Value field type host_name:n, where host_name is the TCP/IP host name of your system and n is the display number of the HTML rendering server. (Example: mysystem.xland.company.com:1).

  4. Click OK.

  5. Save the changes to the master WAS configuration file.

  6. To stop and restart the WebSphere_Portal server, where WebSphere_Portal is the name of the WebSphere Portal server:

After rendering the documents, enable the document conversion services.

Parent: Render documents on IBM i
Previous: Configure an HTML rendering server on IBM i