Additional node: Install with response file on IBM i
First install IBM Installation Manager. Then use a response file to install IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM WAS on your additional nodes. Product binary installation parameter. Modify the appropriate sample response file, located inthe setup_root/responsefiles/iseries directory
The bit architecture of the installation program uses:
- The bit architecture of the operating system
- The bit architecture of the existing WAS
When you install onto a 64-bit operating system, WebSphere Portal installs as a 64-bit version. We can force a 32-bit application installation onto a 64-bit operating system.
Use a response file for installation
- Verify the fully qualified host name...
- Verify network configuration...
ping localhost
- For servers with a firewall, antivirus, screen saver, and/or desktop search engine enabled, disable them before installing.
- To install the IBM Installation Manager, run...
installc -acceptLicense
If you have an existing IBM Installation Manager, search for updates to the latest supported version.
- Manually update the appropriate sample response file, located in
Replace the following lines in the sample response files if you installed WAS and WebSphere Portal from the live repository (Passport Advantage):
- Existing lines in the response file
- <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>
- <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>
- <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>
- <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>
- Replace with
- <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>
- <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>
- <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>
- <offering id='' version='' profile='IBM WAS Network Deployment V8.0' features='-'/>
To encrypt the portal administrator password run imutilsc. Enter the encrypted password in the response file.
imutilsc encryptString stringToEncryptIf installing on a different computer, copy the updated response file to the response file directory on that computer.
We can record a response file using a different operating system. After recording the response file on the other operating system, modify the file for IBM i. Then copy the response file to the IBM i server.
- If the repository URL requires authentication, use to create a keyring file store for credentials.
The keyring file stores the credentials required for the repositories. The IBM Installation Manager command-line tool imutilsc is available from the installation tools directory.
imutilsc saveCredential \ -url repository_URL \ -userName credential_userName \ -userPassword password \ -keyring keyring_file [ -password keyringfile_password ] [ -proxyHost proxy_host -proxyPort proxy_port [ -proxyUsername proxy_username -proxyUserPassword proxyuser_password ] [ -useSocks ] ] [ -verbose ]If installing on a different computer, copy the keyring file to that computer.
- Install WebSphere Portal and IBM WAS run...
imcl -acceptLicense -input /path/to/response.xml -log /path/to/log/files
To use your repository keyring file...
-keyring /path/to/keyring -password keyringfile_password
- Verify the installation successfully created the WebSphere Portal file system.
Because the WebSphere Portal profile was not created, the WebSphere_Portal server does not exist. We create the server when adding the node to the cluster.
Parent: Install WebSphere Portal on IBM i for the horizontal cluster nodes