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Create a Portal application server profile on IBM i

The IBM WebSphere Portal installation registers the WebSphere Portal application server profile template with IBM WAS. We can then create new profiles based on the template. We can use manageprofiles.sh or pmt.sh.

cd WAS_HOME/bin  
manageprofiles -create \
               -templatePath /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/PortalServer/V8/Content/Portal/profileTemplates/default.portal
               -profileName testPortal1
               -profilePath /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V8/ND/profiles/testportal1

In this example, the portal profile template is installed under...

The new profile is testportal1 and is located under...

We can also use the following parameters:

See manageprofiles.sh for a complete list of parameters.

  • Because all database domains are identically configured for each profile, modify the database configuration for database domains that cannot be shared on that you do not want to share.

    Parent: Create or augment profiles on IBM i