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Rename the HTTP session cookie

The Java Servlet API up to v2.5 states that the session identification cookie must be named JSESSIONID . WAS v8 supports the Java Servlet API 3.that offers applications the option to rename the JSESSIONID cookie name. Therefore WebSphere Portal v8.0 also supports this option.

Rename the HTTP session cookie

  1. Rename the session cookie on WAS:

    1. Open the WAS admin console and select...

        Servers > Application Servers > Server_Name > Web Container Settings > Session management > Enable Cookies

    2. Change the value for session cookie name as required.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Save the changes.

    5. Restart WAS

    6. Regenerate the plug-in configuration file.

    7. If we are running a remote systen, copy the plug-in configuration file to the remote server.

  2. Synchronize the portal, add the required properties to the Resource Environment Providers for the portal:

    1. Open the WAS admin console and add the following properties to the Resource Environment Providers: In WP ConfigService

      • In WP ConfigService, add the property...


      • In the WP PortletServiceRegistryService add the following two properties:
        where cookiename is the new name of the JSESSIONID cookie.

A common use case for changing the JSESSIONID cookie name results from cookie name clashes due to HTTP proxy server usage. Avoid such conflicts by enabling session ID reuse. To do this, enable HTTP session ID reuse. This prevents cookie name clashes by reusing the session ID values across different servers. To protect WebSphere Portal user sessions, you need to enable security integration in conjunction with session ID reuse. For details see the topic Session management custom properties under the section about HttpSessionIdReuse and the topics Session security support and Session management settings in the appropriate WAS information center for the portal environment.

Parent: Configure portal behavior

WAS Library: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/library/

WAS V 8 Information Center: ../WAS8/index.html

Session management custom properties: http://setgetweb.com/p/WAS855/ae/rprs_custom_properties.html#HttpSessionIdReuse

Session security support: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/topic/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/info/ae/ae/rprs_secg.html

Session management settings: http://setgetweb.com/p/WAS855/ae/uprs_rsession_manager.html