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<portal-dynamicui/> tags

The <portal-dynamicui/> tags are used to enable dynamic user interface features such as closing dynamic portlets and pages.

The following table provides a brief description of each tag.

Do not use portal tags in portlet JSPs. The following tags are only for use in theme and skin JSPS.

Tag Description
<portal-dynamicui:closepage/> Provides a URL that closes a dynamic page. This tag should be used only within a <portal-navigation:navigationLoop/>
<portal-dynamicui:closeportlet/> Provides a URL that closes a dynamic portlet. This tag should be used only within a skin JSP.
<portal-dynamicui:pendingTasks/> Through the use of scripting variables, notifies the user whenever a new, unclaimed task has been assigned. This tag should be used only within theme JSPs.

Detailed descriptions of the <portal-dynamicui/> tags

The following section provides detailed descriptions of the <portal-dynamicui/> JSP tags:

Parent: Tags used by the portal JSPs
<portal-core/> tags
<portal-fmt/> tags
<portal-logic/> tags
<portal-navigation/> tags
<portal-showtools/> tags
<portal-skin/> tags
<portal-theme-ext/> tags