Files created by the configuration wizard
Based on the information provided when customizing a workflow, the following files are created...
- instruction file
- scripts
- helper files
To customize a workflow...
- Set conditions
Answer questions about the environment, configuration goals, and preferences to filter workflow steps.
- Customize the workflow.
Enter parameter and property values for your configuration. See default values and examples without opening property files.
- Check values.
Let the configuration wizard tell you if the parameter values are OK. Once the parameter values are validated by the configuration wizard, we can go to the next step and create custom scripts and help.
- Create workflow.
When creating a workflow, created scripts, instructions, and configuration helper files with updated property values as needed. You must extract the compressed file to access these files.
See the following files created when using workflows:
If the information you enter changes, you should customize the workflow again with the correct values to create new files.
- Instruction file (html) named after the workflow
- The instruction file provides you with tailored steps for your configuration and the target operating system. Based on the information provided when customizing the workflow, an instruction file is created to guide you in running scripts in combination with other manual configuration steps for the specific configuration goal.
- Scripts
- Depending on the conditions of the environment, the script files use a .sh or .bat file extension or are simple text files. Use the scripts, along with other manual configuration steps described by your instruction file, to perform the configuration.
For example, the workflow may provide you with a script to run a ConfigEngine task rather than you running the task.
- Updated properties
- Configuration helper files with updated property values entered for the configuration are created when customizing the workflow. We can use these helper files to save time later.
Parent: Configuration Wizard