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Task refresh-iwidget-definitions

Use this configuration task to refresh iWidget definitions in the portal. This task affects all iWidget definitions referenced through absolute HTTP or HTTPS URLs in addition to iWidget definitions referenced via WebDAV URIs.

Refreshing an iWidget definition in this context means, re-loading the iWidget definition XML files and updating the corresponding iWidget Wrapper portlet clone accordingly.

We can execute the task in a synchronous or asynchronous manner. If run asynchronously, the configuration task completes immediately after starting a corresponding asynchronous system task. We can use this mode to avoid timeout problems that might occur if there are a high number of iWidget definitions to be refreshed. The completion of the system task is indicated in SystemOut.log.

refresh-iwidget-definitions updates the titles and the descriptions of an iWidget Wrapper portlet clone only if set the following portlet preferences to true...

When you refresh an iWidget Wrapper portlet clone, values of iWidget attributes, or the items of the iWidget attributes item set, are not updated unless the attributes are flagged as read-only in the iWidget definition XML file. As a result, values of iWidget attributes customized after registering the iWidget in WebSphere Portal are prevented from becoming lost during a refresh operation.

The z/OS Customization Dialog uses this task to refresh iWidget definitions in the portal.

Enable administrative security. If we use pmt.sh, check the enable administrative security check box. If we use the manageprofile command, add the parameter...


Mandatary parameters specified via command line or in wkplc.properties

Optional parameters specified only through the command line

Scheduling the refresh-iwidget-definitions task

We can schedule the task refresh-iwidget-definitions using the following task:

Parent: Manage iWidgets in the portal