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Global proxy configuration

The portal also provides a global proxy configuration. By default, it applies to all applications that use the AJAX proxy.

Alternatively, applications can also provide their own proxy configuration. For details refer to the following topic about application specific proxy configurations.

The global proxy configuration of the portal is located in a separate enterprise application that is deployed during the portal installation. The corresponding enterprise application archive is named AJAX Proxy Configuration.ear. The file proxy-config.xmthat represents the global configuration is located in the WAR file wp.config.proxy.war. That file is part of the EAR file and located in the WEB-INF directory. Example of full directory location: C:/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile/config/cells/MY_NODE_NAME/applications/AJAX Proxy Configuration.ear/deployments/AJAX Proxy Configuration/wp.proxy.config.war/WEB-INF

Customize the global proxy configuration using the AJAX proxy configuration.ear

To update the global proxy configuration, copy the original file proxy-config.xml from the location, modify it as required, and run checkin-wp-proxy-config by the following syntax:

Cluster note: In a clustered environment, run this task on the primary node.

ConfigEngine.[bat|sh] checkin-wp-proxy-config -DProxyConfigFileName=dir_path/your_updated_proxy_file.name
where dir_path/your_updated_proxy_file.name is the complete path of the modified wp.proxy.config.xml file.

This imports the global proxy configuration into a property in the WP ConfigService Resource Environment Provider (REP) with the name proxy.config.file . To make the changes effective after running the task you do not need to restart the entire portal server, but only the enterprise application.

The following rules apply:

Refer to the following two examples.

Example of overwriting a policy:

proxy-config.xml file <proxy:proxy-rules
   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"        xmlns:proxy="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sw/ajax/proxy-config/1.1">
   <proxy:mapping contextpath="/proxy/*" />
   <proxy:policy url="*" acf="none">


   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"        xmlns:proxy="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sw/ajax/proxy-config/1.1">
   <proxy:mapping contextpath="/proxy/*" />
   <proxy:policy url="*" acf="none">

- resulting config (REP overrules config file)

   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"        xmlns:proxy="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sw/ajax/proxy-config/1.1">
   <proxy:mapping contextpath="/proxy/*" />
   <proxy:policy url="*" acf="none">
Example of additive policies:
proxy-config.xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <proxy:mapping contextpath="/knowledge"     url="http://mycompany.com:8081/knowledgebase" />  PUT    <proxy:policy url="http://mycompany.com:8081/knowledgebase/abstracts/*" acf="none">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <proxy:mapping contextpath="/knowledge" url="http://mycompany.com:8081/knowledgebase" />
   <proxy:policy url="http://mycompany.com:8081/knowledgebase/products/*" acf="none">

- resulting config (REP overrules config file)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <proxy:mapping contextpath="/knowledge" url="http://mycompany.com:8081/knowledgebase" />
   <proxy:policy url="http://mycompany.com:8081/knowledgebase/abstracts/*" acf="none">
   <proxy:policy url="http://mycompany.com:8081/knowledgebase/products/*" acf="none">

Customize the global proxy configuration using dynamic policy entries

Additional to updating the AJAX proxy configuration enterprise application, we can also customize the effective global AJAX proxy configuration using the portal WP ConfigService Resource Environment Provider (REP). You do this by matching the values in the WP ConfigService REP with so called dynamic policy entries in the global proxy configuration file. For details about how to do this refer to the topics about the Portal configuration properties and Setting service configuration properties.

A dynamic policy entry differs from a non-dynamic policy entry is that it uses replacement variables instead of URL patterns in the policy element url attribute. A policy element url attribute is considered to be a replacement variable definition if the attribute value starts with the string {$ and ends with the string }.

For example, a policy entry url attribute value of {$my.custom.url.target} defines a dynamic policy replacement variable named my.custom.url.target.

We can specify the individual attribute values to be used for replacing the url replacement variable using corresponding entries in the WP ConfigService REP. The matching is done based on the following custom property naming scheme:


Example: The default global proxy-config.xml file contains the following dynamic policy entry:

<proxy:policy url="{$default_policy}" acf="none">
To attach this policy to outbound requests to URLs that match one of the URL patterns http://www.some.server.com/* or http://some.other.server.com/*, we can add the following two custom properties to the WP ConfigService resource environment provider:

Default global proxy configuration

The default global proxy configuration file allows plain HTTP GET requests to the following URL patterns:

Furthermore, there are two dynamic policies defined in the default global proxy configuration file:

Parent: AJAX proxy configuration
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