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AIX clustered server: Set up Oracle or Oracle RAC automatically or manually

We can set up Oracle Enterprise Edition to work with WebSphere Portal automatically or manually.

When setting up Oracle automatically, we run a ConfigEngine task to create users, grant privileges, and create JCR table spaces.

Alternatively, we can manually run SQL scripts to create users, grant privileges, and create JCR table spaces.

You must log in as the system administrator to run ConfigEngine or to manually set up the database.

If you have configured the database automatically by running ConfigEngine, you do not need to run manual tasks for creating users, privileges, or table spaces, but you may decide to refer to the manual configuration section to perform the optional step of assigning custom table spaces.


  1. Run a task to automatically setup Oracle or Oracle RAC databases
  2. Set up Oracle or Oracle RAC manually

Parent: AIX clustered server: Set up an Oracle or Oracle RAC database
Previous: AIX clustered server: Create Oracle or Oracle RAC databases
Next: AIX clustered server: Configure Portal to use Oracle or Oracle RAC