Configure URL rewriting for Web clipping portlets
Configure the URL rewriting options of the Web clipping portlet so that when a user follows a link in the Web clipping portlet, the content retrieved by the link is either displayed inline within the portlet window (default), in the same browser window, or in a new browser window.
Web clipping portlets attempt to provide a mechanism to display existing Web content within a Web portal, even if it was originally intended to display within a browser. For link traversal, portlets use URL rewriting, modifying a URL within Web content such that the resulting URL points to a different location than the original URL. Web clipping portlets perform URL rewriting on all hypertext links before returning the Web content to the browser.
We can control what happens when a user follows the links in your Web clipping portlet's content by configuring the following URL rewriting options when you create a Web clipping portlet, or we can add these options later.
For any given link within the content of a Web clipping portlet, there are three ways that the retrieved content can be displayed.
Inline Display Default. When a link is followed, the content to which it refers is displayed inline, within the Web clipping portlet's display area (portlet window). The portlet acts like a proxy for the content. The browser sends a request back to the portlet asking it to handle the link traversal. The portlet retrieves the content to which the link refers and replaces the current content with the retrieved content. Same Window Display The typical browser behavior when following links is to retrieve the content to which the link refers and display it within the same display space. We can direct Web clipping portlets to do the same. In this case, the browser is asked to handle the link traversal rather than sending a request back asking the portal to follow the link. The advantage of this method is that the content can be displayed in its natural or intended environment as opposed to being limited to the Web clipping portlet's display area. The disadvantage is that for all practical purposes, you will have stepped "out of bounds" of the portal; the only method for returning is the browser's Back button. This might cause problems depending on the session state of the portal. New Window Display Instead of displaying the content to which the link refers in the existing window, it opens a new window for the retrieved content. The browser is asked to handle the link traversal and display the resulting content within a new window. This method has the advantage of the same window display, but without the disadvantage. The retrieved content can be displayed in its intended environment while maintaining the portal session.
Parent: Web clipping