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Add Personalization features to a base installation

If you install the product using the Base option, the Personalization features, including the Personalization Navigator and Personalization Editor, are not installed. However, we can add these features manually after installation by deploying the Personalization portlets and adding the Personalization Navigator and Personalization Editor to a page.

  1. z/OS only: When using z/OS, open a UNIX System Services (USS) command prompt to change directories.

  2. Navigate to the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

  3. Deploy the Personalization portlets. Run the following command:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh deploy-all-pzn-portlets -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo

    To work with the personalization portlets, click Administration to access the Personalization menu.

Parent: Add features to a base installation