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Add a tagging widget to web content

We can add a tagging widget to a content item by adding a [Plugin:tags] component to the presentation template. By default the plug-in component is rendered using the TaggingWidgetDesign design, which is included in the web content library Web Resources v70, or we can create the own design.

When using tagging and rating with web content, ensure that synchronization of the tagging and rating scopes has been set up for the portal.

To add a tagging widget to a content item, include the tagging plug-in in the presentation template.

For example:

<div id="tags">[Plugin:tags]</div>
The tagging plug-in supports the following parameters that are specified in a key=value format:

Stylesheet class note: The presentation template that includes the widget must ensure that the lotusui30 stylesheet class is assigned to the markup containing the widget. We can specify this stylesheet class in the following ways:

Parent: Tagging and rating plug-ins for web content


The inline tag widget


Synchronize scopes for web content