
Search Tips   |   Advanced Search

Enable support for search seedlist 1.0

To use Portal Search to crawl the web content and leverage features like web content pages enable seedlist 1.0 support for the Portal Search crawler.

  1. Log in to the portal as an administrator.

  2. Click Administration in the tool bar.

  3. Create a new search collection.

    1. Click Manage Search > Search Collections.

    2. Create a new search collection for the web content. Be sure that the new search collection uses the portal search service edited in the previous steps.

  4. Add the following custom properties to the WP ConfigService resource environment using the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console:

    1. wcm.config.seedlist.version=1.0

    2. wcm.config.seedlist.servletpath=/seedlist

    3. wcm.config.seedlist.metakeys=<metakey1>,<metakey2> This is an optional step and is only required to specify the own metadata.

Parent: Use the search seedlist 1.0 format


Set service configuration properties