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Add sample content with the site toolbar

The sample content provided with the portal includes four preconfigured web content viewer portlets that we can add to a page from the site toolbar. The viewers are configured with the Create content (based on selection) setting so that adding the viewers to a page automatically creates content items on the page. The viewers are available in the site toolbar in the Web Content category of the Content tab.

To use these sample web content viewers:

  1. Navigate to the page where to add the viewers.

  2. Edit the page, and click Content in the site toolbar.

  3. Click Web Content in the list of categories. This category lists all content viewer portlets that are configured with the Create content (based on selection) setting to copy associated content into the page.

  4. Add the web content viewers to the page by clicking the plus sign (+) or dragging the viewers onto the page. We can also adjust the arrangement of the portlets.

  5. Click Save & Exit.

When we add one of these web content viewers to a page, new content is created. The content items that are referenced in the portlet configuration are copied into the site area specified by the default content association. The portlet configuration of each viewer instance is automatically adjusted to reference the copied content items, so that the viewers render the new content.

To help you better understand what these components are doing, here is a more detailed look.

Parent: Create content with sample web content template items


Create a web content page