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Pre-rendering options

We can enable pre-rendering so that content can be viewed either through a IBM Web Content Manager application or as a standalone site that is accessed through a web server.

Manage pre-rendering options in the WCM WCMConfigService service.

Start pre-rendering automatically

Although we can manually pre-render a website through the URL interface, we can also configure pre-rendering to run automatically when the server starts.

  1. Click...

      Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers > WCM WCMConfigService > Additional Properties > Custom Properties

  2. Edit the...


    ... and append cacher to the value. For example:

      web,mail,default,ajpe,federatedproxy,ajpecatselect,memberfixer,workflowenablement, itemdispatcher,plutouploadfile,plutodownloadfile,synd,subs,syndication, refreshallitems,unlocklibrary,custom,data,clearversions,clearhistory, reseteventlog,cacher

  3. Save the changes and restart the server.

Enable pre-rendering for sites viewed using Web Content Manager

This option is used when we are accessing the pre-rendered site through Web Content Manager. This will increase performance as static content is accessed from the pre-rendered site, but dynamic content will still be rendered through Web Content Manager.

To enable users to access the pre-rendered site through a Web Content Manager application, specify the connect.businesslogic.module.default.class property in the WCM WCMConfigService service.

We cannot use the local rendering portlet (Web Content Viewer) when pre-rendering is set as the default module.

Enable pre-rendering for standalone sites

This option is used when we are using Web Content Manager to generate a pre-rendered site, but are not using Web Content Manager to view the pre-rendered site. You will need to use a web server to view the pre-rendered site.

Specify the connect.businesslogic.module.cacher.class property in the WCM WCMConfigService service.

Specify the following properties to configure caching. Default values are listed, although we can tailor these values as needed. Unless you explicitly set a value for a property, the default value is used.

Pre-rendering resources

Parent: Configure a web content delivery environment


Set service configuration properties