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Security architecture

The security architecture describes what groups are required for the site and what access is required for different groups to the authoring portlet and rendered website.

The following example describes the type of security architecture required for an authoring environment. In most cases, the security architecture for a staging or delivery environment would be much simpler with only the All Portal User Groups group being assigned user access to the library. This prevents users from being able to edit content and disables features like authoring tools from being displayed on the published site.

In this example, item type roles are applied to the following groups:

Group Details
WCMAdmins Members of this group require access to all features of the authoring portlet.
SiteAdmins Members of this group require access to all features of the authoring portlet except workflow.
SiteDesigners Members of this group require access to content items, presentation templates, authoring templates, and components.
ContentAuthors Members of this group require editor access to content items only.
ContentApprovers Members of this group require contributor access to content items only.

Library access

The simplest method of setting library access is to grant contributor access to all the groups. This access gives all users and groups contributor access to the library and authoring portlet. Additional access is then granted to each group using resource permissions. We can also grant the Anonymous Portal User group user access to ensure all anonymous users can access the library if anonymous access is required for the website.

Roles Allow propagation Allow inheritance User or group
Administrator Yes Yes  
Manager Yes Yes  
Editor Yes Yes  
User No Yes Anonymous Portal User
Contributor Yes Yes






Resource permissions

Set the following resource permissions for each role type:

Item-level security inheritance

By default, each role's access is automatically inherited down to each item in a library. To prevent a user or group from automatically having inherited access to an item, you need to turn off inheritance on that item.

The permissions set for item type do not automatically give you access to individual items. They give you access only to specific tasks and views within the authoring portlet.

We can also assign specific access to individual groups or users on each item.

Parent: Create a design document


Users, Groups and Roles


User registries