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Design a prototype website using HTML

Before you create a design document for the web content system, it can be useful to create a prototype of the site using HTML. This prototype should be based on the outline defined in your project plan and the data gathered in the analysis document. The site structure, design, and HTML code you develop for the prototype can be used as the basis for many of the items defined in the design document.

By creating a prototype website using HTML, you get to see what your actual website will look like, plus you develop many of the features used by the web content system and website.

Build the prototype

Use HTML to plan the design of the site

A useful method to begin the design of the content management system is to use HTML to develop a prototype of the site. Do this task in consultation with the web content information architect.

The HTML site should include:

The HTML site can then be used to help determine what web content items need to be created for the web content management system.

For example, the design of each web page in the HTML mock-up can determine different parts of the Web Content Manager site:

Other features of the design, such as images and style sheets, will determine what components need to be created and whether you need to develop a new WebSphere Portal theme.

Parent: Plan a website

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