<portal-logic/> tags
The <portal-logic/> tags are used to provide tags for conditional logic.
Used to access the portal-wide find URL that is specified in Portal Settings. The tag is conditional. If no URL is set, the body of the tag is not evaluated. A scripting variable called <% wpsPortalFindURL %> is available inside the body of the tag for accessing the URL. This tag can be used in both theme and skin JSPs.
<portal-logic:if attribute="value">
Through the attributes of this tag, several conditions can be checked. If the condition is true, the content of the tag's body is written to the page. Otherwise the content is skipped. More than one condition can be evaluated. For example, the user must be logged in and the Home screen must be active for the content of the following tag to be rendered:
All earlier attributes that started with "not" have been deprecated. Use the <portal-logic:unless/> tag instead of these attributes.
<portal-logic:if loggedIn="yes" screen="Home"> <!-- content area --> </portal-logic:if>
Attributes of the <portal-logic:if/> tag
- capableOf="capability"
indicates whether the client supports the specified capability. capability can be one of the following values:
- locale="locale"
Whether the locale of the client is that of the specified locale (or subtype of the specified locale). You can specify a comma-separated list, such as en, en_US .
- loggedIn="yes|no"
Whether the user is logged in. For example, the following code will display a login link if the user is not logged in:
<%-- login button --%> <portal-logic:if loggedIn="no" notScreen="Login"> <td class="wpsToolBar" valign="middle" nowrap> <a class="wpsToolBarLink" href='<portal-navigation:url home="public" screen="Login" ssl="false"/>'> <portal-fmt:text key="link.login" bundle="nls.engine"/> </a> </td> </portal-logic:if>
navigationAvailable="yes|no" Indicates if a navigation is available.
newWindow="yes|no" Indicates if the portlet is rendered in a separate browser window or iFrame from the portal (HTML only).
nodeInSelectionPath="yes|no" Checks whether a page is selected. This means that the page is in the selected path by the user of which the content is shown.
pageAvailablePrevious="yes|no" Checks if a previous set of pages are available to be access from the navigation. For example, this tag could be used in combination with a <portal-navigation:navigationShift> to render a scroll icon when the number of user-defined pages exceeds the number of displayed page tabs. This condition behaves contrary to the pageAvailableNext attribute.
pageCompletelyActive="yes|no" Whether the page and its parents are active. The following example displays a message if the page is not active.
<portal-logic:if pageCompletelyActive="no"> <p align="center" class="wpsFieldErrorText"><b><br> >>> <portal-fmt:text key="info.pagenotcompletelyactive" bundle="nls.engine"/> <<< <br></b></p> </portal-logic:if>
pageBookmarkable="true|false" Renders its contents if the page can be bookmarked. A page can be set to bookmarkable using Manage pages. The following example provides an "Add to favorites" option in a select list to allow users to bookmark the current page, if the current page can be bookmarked.
<portal-logic:if pageBookmarkable="true"> <option value='<portal:url command="AddBookmark" alias="Favorites"/>' > <portal-fmt:text key='link.favorites.add' bundle='nls.engine'/> </portal-logic:if>
portletMaximized="yes|no" Renders its contents if the portlet is maximized. This call can only be used inside of a skin JSP.
portletMode="edit|view|configure|help" Checks if the portlet is in one of the given modes. This tag is most useful in a customized skin.
Find theme resources: See the Location of theme resources link below.
portletState="portlet_state" Checks if the portlet is in the indicated state. Portlet states are normal, maximized, and minimized. For example, in Control.jsp, the following code sets the tableHeight variable to 100%.
<portal-logic:if portletState="Normal,Maximized"> <% tableHeight = "height=/"100%/""; %> </portal-logic:if>
portletSolo="yes|no" Checks whether the portal is currently displaying a portlet in solo state. In the following example from Default.jsp, the top navigation and side navigation are hidden when the current portlet is displayed in solo state.
<portal-logic:if portletSolo="no"> <%@ include file="./topNav.jspf" %> <%@ include file="./sideNav.jspf" %> </portal-logic:if>
problem="problem" Renders its contents if one of the following problems has occurred.
resumeLevel="0|1|2" Used in the Login.jsp screen to write the content of the tag if the value of this attribute is equal to the setting of the persistent.session.level key in the ConfigService.
resumeOption="0|1" Used in the Login.jsp screen to write the content of the tag if the value of this attribute is equal to the setting of the persistent.session.option key in the ConfigService.
screen="screen_name" Checks the value of the current screen name. Use a comma to separate multiple screen names. In the following example, the content of the tag is displayed only when the selected screen is Home, LoggedIn, or LoggedOut.
<portal-logic:if navigationAvailable="yes" screen="Home,LoggedIn,LoggedOut"> .... </portal-logic:if>
selection specifies the unique name or object ID of the currently selected page. For example:
<portal-logic:if selection="ibm.portal.Home"> You are on Home </portal-logic:if>
showTools="yes|no" Whether additional controls for the portlet title bar and page tabs should be displayed. In the following example, the show_tools_off.gif icon is displayed for the condition when showTools="no".
<portal-logic:if showTools="no"> <% if (firstButton) { firstButton = false; } else { %> | <% } %> <a href='<portal-navigation:url command="ShowTools"/>'> <img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="19" src='<portal-logic:urlFindInTheme file="show_tools_off.gif"/>' alt='<portal-fmt:text key="link.show.tools" bundle="nls.engine"/>' title='<portal-fmt:text key="link.show.tools" bundle="nls.engine"/>' </a> </portal-logic:if> <portal-logic:if showTools="yes"> <% if (firstButton) { firstButton = false; } else { %> | <% } %> <a href='<portal-navigation:url command="ShowTools"/>'> <img border="0" align="absmiddle" width="16" height="19" src='<portal-logic:urlFindInTheme file="show_tools_on.gif"/>' alt='<portal-fmt:text key="link.hide.tools" bundle="nls.engine"/>' title='<portal-fmt:text key="link.hide.tools" bundle="nls.engine"/>'</a> </portal-logic:if>For either condition, the <portal-navigation:url command="ShowTools"/> command is used to change the value of showTools, allowing the icon on the portal page to be used as a toggle. This condition is also checked in ShowTools.jsp to determine whether to render the move and delete portlet icons in the portlet title bar.
Used to access metadata of the currently rendered page. The tag has two attributes:
This attribute is mandatory and specifies the name of the variable that exposes the metadata inside the body of the tag. The variable provides an object that implements com.ibm.portal.MetaData.
This attribute is optional. Allowed values are direct and aggregated. The value aggregated is the default. If the type attribute is set to direct, only the metadata specifically set for the page are exposed, otherwise the metadata of the page as provided by the content metadata model are used.
The Content metadata model is described in more detail in the Model SPI overview topic. The following example outputs a table with all names and values of the aggregated metadata of the current page.
<portal-logic:pageMetaData varname="pageMetaData"> <table> <tr><th>Name</th><th>Value</th></tr> <c:forEach var="metaItem" items="${pageMetaData}"> <tr><td>${metaItem.key}</td><td>${metaItem.value}</td></tr> </c:forEach> </table> </portal-logic:pageMetaData>
This tag operates in contrast to the <portal-logic:if> tag. Through the attributes of this tag, several conditions can be checked. If the condition is true, the content of the tag is not written to the page. Otherwise, the content is written. More than one condition can be evaluated. The following list of attributes can be evaluated. For more information, see the corresponding description for each attribute under the <portal-logic:if> tag.
Generates a URL pointing to a file. The resource is searched under different paths depending on the markup and locale supported by the client and the specified attributes of the tag.
- root="root"
- path="path"
- file="file"
This attribute is required
- allowRelativeURL="true|false"
The first place where the resource is found is used to construct the URL. The search order used is:
- root path
- markup name
- path
- markup version
- locale in diminishing sequence
- file name
See the Aggregation topic for more information about how the portal server locates resources. The allowRelativeURL attribute indicates whether a fully-qualified or relative URL is generated.
<portal-logic:urlFindInSkin file=" file_name" id="identifier">
Similar to <portal-logic:urlFind>, this tag generates a URL that points to a file contained in the theme WAR file.
Find theme resources: See the Location of theme resources link below.
The skin is taken from the user's or system's settings. The file attribute is required.
When id is specified, the tag initializes a scripting variable with the value normally written out and nothing is written to the output stream. The value of the id attribute is the name of the scripting variable.
forceAbsolute = "true|false"
<portal-logic:urlFindInTheme file=" file_name" id="identifier">
Similar to <portal-logic:urlFind>, this tag generates a URL that points to a file contained in the theme WAR file.
Find theme resources: See the Location of theme resources link below.
The theme is taken from the user's or system settings. The file attribute is required.
When id is specified, the tag initializes a scripting variable with the value normally written out and nothing is written to the output stream. The value of the id attribute is the name of the scripting variable.
forceAbsolute = "true|false"
This attribute is optional. It specifies whether the URL that is generated by this tag is to be absolute or not. If you set this attribute to true, absolute URLs are enforced; in this case other settings that affect the generation of URLs might be overridden.
Related reference
December 14, 2011
Apr 1, 2011 1:26:17 PM