wkplc_sourceDb.properties file reference
Personalization Feedback Database Properties
source.feedback.DbTypeDescription: The type of database to be used for Feedback
Value: The following are valid database types:IBM DB2: db2
IBM DB2 for i: db2_iseries
IBM DB2 for z/OS: db2_zos
Derby: derby
Microsoft SQL Server 2005: sqlserver2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2008: sqlserver2005
Oracle Database: oracle
Examples: derbyDefault: derby
source.feedback.DbNameDescription: Name of the feedback database. Should also appear as the database element in likeminds.DbUrl.
Value: The following conditions effect the value for this property:For Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2 only, this value is the TCPIP Alias for the database.
For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be unique for this domain
For a remote IBM DB2 for i, the value must include the host name of the database server, such as: hostName/wpsfdbdb
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsdb
source.feedback.DbSchemaDescription: Likeminds domain database schema name. To determine a valid schema name, see the documentation for the database that you are using. Schema name restrictions apply for some databases.
Value: For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be less than 10 characters.
Examples: No examples are availableDefault: FEEDBACK
source.feedback.DbNameOnZosDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only
Value: The following conditions effect the value for this property:If running db2_zos as remote database, this value is the name of the remote Likeminds database.
If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, this value must be set equal to the value in the DbName parameter.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSTST02
source.feedback.DataSourceNameDescription: Name of the datasource to use for the Likeminds database.
Value: The following reserved names must not be specified:releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, feedback
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpdbDS
source.feedback.DbUrlDescription: The feedback database URL.
Value: The database element of this value should match the value of DbName property. The following conditions effect the value for this property:For IBM DB2 for i when WebSphere Portal is installed on a UNIX platform, add ;prompt=false to the URL unless X11 DISPLAY is set and active.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location name of the database to be used when establishing connections with the IBM DB2 datasource used by the portal
Examples: Use one of the following examples with values specific to database.Derby database: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> :50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; Where the port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux)
IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/wpsdb;metadata source=1
IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostname> /wpsdb;metadata source=1
Remote IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostname> /wpsdb;metadata source=1;prompt=false
DB2 for z/OS: jdbc:db2: <location>
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> : <port> / <location>
Thin Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ <YourDatabaseServer> :1521:wpsdb
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008: jdbc:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=wpsdb
DataDirect SQL Server 2005 and 2208: jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb
Default: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
source.feedback.DbUserDescription: Database administrator user ID.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: db2admin
source.feedback.DbPasswordDescription: Database administrator password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
source.feedback.DbRuntimeUserDescription: Optional parameter. WebSphere Portal will use this ID to connect to the feedback database during day-to-day operations. If WebSphere Portal can connect using the same ID used during configuration, the source.feedback.DbUser value, then leave this value blank.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples available.Default: no default is available
source.feedback.DbRuntimePasswordDescription: Database runtime user password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbRuntimePwd
source.feedback.XDbNameDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2. Required for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver.
Value: Likeminds database.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: fdbk6TCP
source.feedback.DbNodeDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2 only Node for the Feedback database and needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: pznNode
source.feedback.DbHostNameDescription: Required for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 only. Host name of the Feedback database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: myserver
source.feedback.DbTablespaceDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS.
Value: Name of the Feedback database tablespace.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: fdbkdbts
source.feedback.DbStorageGroupDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS.
Value: Storage group for the WebSphere Portal Likeminds database.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSSG
source.feedback.DbVolumesDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS. Volumes for the WebSphere Portal Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: *
source.feedback.DbVcatDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS. This value is the VCAT for the WebSphere Portal Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: DSN810
source.feedback.Db4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP2
source.feedback.Db32KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS. This value is the 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP32K
source.feedback.RequiredJdbcSpecMajorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec major level for the Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available,Default: 4
source.feedback.RequiredJdbcSpecMinorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec minor level for the Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples available.Default: 0
source.feedback.SupportingSoftwareSiteDescription: Supporting software site for the feedback database domain.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg27007791 -
LikeMinds Database Properties
source.likeminds.DbTypeDescription: The type of database to be used for LikeMinds.
Value: The following are valid database types:IBM DB2: db2
IBM DB2 for i: db2_iseries
IBM DB2 for z/OS: db2_zos
Derby: derby
Microsoft SQL Server 2005: sqlserver2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2008: sqlserver2005
Oracle Database: oracle
Examples: derbyDefault: derby
source.likeminds.DbNameDescription: Likeminds database. Should also appear as the database element in likeminds.DbUrl.
Value: The following conditions effect the value for this property:For Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2 only, this value is the TCPIP Alias for the database.
For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be unique for this domain
For a remote IBM DB2 for i, the value must include the host name of the database server, such as: hostName/wpslkmdb
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsdb
source.likeminds.DbSchemaDescription: Likeminds domain database schema name. To determine a valid schema name, see the documentation for the database that you are using. Schema name restrictions apply for some databases.
Value: For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be less than 10 characters.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: likeminds
source.likeminds.DbNameOnZosDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only
Value: The following conditions effect the value for this property:If running db2_zos as remote database, this value is the name of the remote Likeminds database.
If portal is running on z/OS with db2_zos, this value must be set equal to the value in the DbName parameter.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSTST02
source.likeminds.DataSourceNameDescription: Name of the datasource to use for the Likeminds database.
Value: The following reserved names must not be specified:releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, feedback
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpdbDS
source.likeminds.DbUrlDescription: This value is the LikeMinds database URL.
Value: The database element of this value should match the value of DbName property.For IBM DB2 for i when WebSphere Portal is installed on a UNIX platform, add ;prompt=false to the URL unless X11 DISPLAY is set and active.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location name of the database to be used when establishing connections with the IBM DB2 datasource used by the portal.
Examples: Use one of the following examples with values specific to database.Derby database: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> :50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0;
Where the port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux)
IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/wpsdb;metadata source=1
IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostname> /wpsdb;metadata source=1
Remote IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostname> /wpsdb;metadata source=1;prompt=false
DB2 for z/OS: jdbc:db2: <location>
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> : <port> / <location>
Thin Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ <YourDatabaseServer> :1521:wpsdb
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008: jdbc:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=wpsdb
DataDirect SQL Server 2005 and 2208: jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb
Default: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
source.likeminds.DbUserDescription: Database administrator user ID.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: db2admin
source.likeminds.DbPasswordDescription: Database administrator password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
source.likeminds.DbRuntimeUserDescription: Optional parameter. WebSphere Portal will use this ID to connect to the likeminds database during day-to-day operations. If WebSphere Portal can connect using the same ID used during configuration, the source.likeminds.DbUser value, then leave this value blank.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: No default is available
source.likeminds.DbRuntimePasswordDescription: Database runtime user password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbRuntimePwd
source.likeminds.XDbNameDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2. Required for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver.
Value: Likeminds database.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: lmdb6TCP
source.likeminds.DbNodeDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2 only Node for the Likeminds database and needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: pznNode
source.likeminds.DbHostNameDescription: Required for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 only. Host name of the Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: myserver
source.likeminds.DbTablespaceDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS.
Value: Likeminds database tablespace.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: lmdbts
source.likeminds.DbStorageGroupDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS.
Value: Storage group for the WebSphere Portal Likeminds database.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSSG
source.likeminds.DbVolumesDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS. Volumes for the WebSphere Portal Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: *
source.likeminds.DbVcatDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS. This value is the VCAT for the WebSphere Portal Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: DSN810
source.likeminds.Db4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP2
source.likeminds.Db32KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required only for DB2 for z/OS. This value is the 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP32K
source.likeminds.RequiredJdbcSpecMajorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec major level for the Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available,Default: 4
source.likeminds.RequiredJdbcSpecMinorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec minor level for the Likeminds database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples available.Default: 0
source.likeminds.SupportingSoftwareSiteDescription: Supporting software site for the Likeminds database domain.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg27007791 -
Release Database Properties
source.release.DbTypeDescription: Type of database to use for the WebSphere Portal Release domain.
Value: The following are valid database types:IBM DB2: db2
IBM DB2 for i: db2_iseries
IBM DB2 for z/OS: db2_zos
Derby: derby
Microsoft SQL Server 2005: sqlserver2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2008: sqlserver2005
Oracle Database: oracle
Examples: derbyDefault: derby
source.release.DbNameDescription: Name of the Release database.
Value: Should also appear as the database element in release.DbUrl. The following conditions effect the value for this property:For Linux and UNIX-based platforms using DB2, this value is the TCPIP Alias for the database.
For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be unique for this domain.
For remote IBM DB2 for i, this value must include the host name, such as: hostname/wpsreldb
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsdb
source.release.DbSchemaDescription: Release domain database schema name. To determine a valid schema name, see the documentation for the database that you are using. Schema name restrictions apply for some databases.
Value: A valid schema name. For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be less than 10 characters.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: release
source.release.DbNameOnZosDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only.
Value: The following conditions effect the value for this property:If the DB2 for z/OS database is remote, this value is the name of the remote WebSphere Portal database.
If WebSphere Portal is install on z/OS and the database is local, this value must be set equal to the value in the DbName parameter.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSTST02
source.release.DataSourceNameDescription: Name of the datasource to use for the WebSphere Portal Release domain.
Value: The following reserved names must not be specified: releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, feedback
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpdbDS
source.release.DbUrlDescription: This value is the wps release domain database URL.
Value: The database element of this value should match the value of DbName property. The following conditions effect the value for this property:For IBM DB2 for i when WebSphere Portal is installed on a UNIX platform, add ;prompt=false to the URL unless X11 DISPLAY is set and active.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location name of the database to be used when establishing connections with the IBM DB2 datasource used by the portal.
Examples: Use one of the following examples with values specific to database.Derby database: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> :50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; Where the port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux)
IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/wpsdb;metadata source=1
IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostName> /wpsdb;metadata source=1
Remote IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostName> /wpsdb;metadata source=1;prompt=false
DB2 for z/OS: jdbc:db2: <location>
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> : <port> / <location>
Thin Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ <YourDatabaseServer> :1521:wpsdb
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008: jdbc:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=wpsdb
DataDirect SQL Server 2005 and 2208: jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb
Default: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
source.release.DbUserDescription: Database administrator user ID.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: db2admin
source.release.DbPasswordDescription: Database administrator password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
source.release.DbRuntimeUserDescription: Optional parameter. WebSphere Portal will use this ID to connect to the release database during day-to-day operations. If WebSphere Portal can connect using the same ID used during configuration, the source.release.DbUser value, then leave this value blank.
Value: Alphanumeric text string.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: no default is available
source.release.DbRuntimePasswordDescription: Database runtime user password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbRuntimePwd
source.release.XDbNameDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when you are using a DB2 database and for local DB2 database using Type 2 JDBC driver. Name of the release database alias that needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wps6TCP
source.release.DbNodeDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when you are using a DB2 database. Node for the release domain database and needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsNode
source.release.DbStorageGroupDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. Storage group for the WebSphere Portal release database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSSG
source.release.DbVolumesDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. Volumes for the WebSphere Portal release database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: *
source.release.DbVcatDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the VCAT for the WebSphere Portal release database.
Value: No examples are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: DSN810
source.release.DbIndex4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database. This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP3
source.release.Db4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP2
source.release.Db32KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal release database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP32K
source.release.RequiredJdbcSpecMajorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec major level for the release database.
Value: numeric
Examples: No examples are available.Default: 4
source.release.RequiredJdbcSpecMinorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec minor level for the community database.
Value: numeric
Examples: No examples are available.Default: 0
source.release.SupportingSoftwareSiteDescription: Supporting software site for the release database domain.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg27007791 -
Community Database Properties
Value: The following are valid database types:IBM DB2: db2
IBM DB2 for i: db2_iseries
IBM DB2 for z/OS: db2_zos
Derby: derby
Microsoft SQL Server 2005: sqlserver2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2008: sqlserver2005
Oracle Database: oracle
Examples: None availableDefault: No default value
source.community.DbNameDescription: Name of the community database. Should also appear as the database element in community.DbUrl property.
Value: The following conditions effect this value for this property:When WebSphere Portal is configured to use DB2 for IBM i, this value must be unique for this domain.
When WebSphere Portal is installed on Linux and UNIX-based platforms and configured to use a DB2 database, this value is the TCPIP Alias for the database.
When WebSphere Portal is configured to use a remote IBM DB2 for i, the value must be include the host name of the database server, such as: hostName/wpscomdb
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsdb
source.community.DbSchemaDescription: Commnity domain database schema name. To determine a valid schema name, see the documentation for the database that you are using. Schema name restrictions apply for some databases.
Value: For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be less than 10 characters.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: community
source.community.DbNameOnZosDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only.
Value: The following conditions effect the value for this property:If WebSphere Portal is configured to use a remote DB2 for z/OS database, the value should be the name of the remote Community domain database.
If WebSphere Portal is installed on z/OS and is configured to use DB2 for z/OS, the value must be set equal to the value in the community.DbName parameter.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSTST02
source.community.DataSourceNameDescription: Name of datasource to use for the WebSphere Portal Community domain database.
Value: The following reserved names must not be specified: releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, feedback
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpdbDS
source.community.DbUrlDescription: This value is the wps release domain database URL.
Value: The database element of this value should match the value of DbName property.For IBM DB2 for i when WebSphere Portal is installed on a UNIX platform, add ;prompt=false to the URL unless X11 DISPLAY is set and active.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location name of the database to be used when establishing connections with the IBM DB2 datasource used by the portal.
Examples: Use one of the following examples with values specific to database.Derby database: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> :50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; Where the port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux)
IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/wpsdb;metadata source=1
IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostName> /wpsdb;metadata source=1
Remote IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostName> /wpsdb;metadata source=1;prompt=false
DB2 for z/OS: jdbc:db2: <location>
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> : <port> / <location>
Thin Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ <YourDatabaseServer> :1521:wpsdb
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008: jdbc:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=wpsdb
DataDirect SQL Server 2005 and 2208: jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb
Default: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
source.community.DbUserDescription: Database user ID.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: db2admin
source.community.DbPasswordDescription: Database password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
source.community.DbRuntimeUserDescription: Optional parameter. WebSphere Portal will use this ID to connect to the community database during day-to-day operations. If WebSphere Portal can connect using the same ID used during configuration, the source.community.DbUser value, then leave this value blank.
Value: Alphanumeric text string.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: no default is available
source.community.DbRuntimePasswordDescription: Database runtime user password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbRuntimePwd
source.community.XDbNameDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2. Required for local DB2 database using a Type 2 JDBC driver. Name of the community database alias that needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wps6TCP
source.community.DbNodeDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2. Node for the WebSphere Portal Community domain database and needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsNode
source.community.DbStorageGroupDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. Storage group for the WebSphere Portal community database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSSG
source.community.DbVolumesDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. Volumes for the WebSphere Portal community database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: *
source.community.DbVcatDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the VCAT for the WebSphere Portal community database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: DSN810
source.community.DbIndex4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database. This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP3
source.community.Db4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP2
source.community.Db32KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal community database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP32K
source.community.RequiredJdbcSpecMajorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec major level for the community database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: 4
source.community.RequiredJdbcSpecMinorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec minor level for the community database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: community.RequiredJdbcSpecMinorLevel
source.community.SupportingSoftwareSiteDescription: Supporting software site for the customization database domain.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg27007791 -
Customization Database Properties
Value: The following are valid database types:IBM DB2: db2
IBM DB2 for i: db2_iseries
IBM DB2 for z/OS: db2_zos
Derby: derby
Microsoft SQL Server 2005: sqlserver2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2008: sqlserver2005
Oracle Database: oracle
Examples: db2Default: No default value
source.customization.DbNameDescription: Name of the customization database. Should also appear as the database element in customization.DbUrl
Value: The following conditions effect the value for this property:When WebSphere Portal is configured to use IBM DB2 for i, this value must be unique for this domain.
When WebSphere Portal is installed on Linux and UNIX-based platforms and configured to use a DB2 database, this value is the TCPIP Alias for the database.
When WebSphere Portal is configured to use a remote IBM DB2 for i, the value must include the host name of the database server: hostName/wpscstdb
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsdb
source.customization.DbSchemaDescription: Commnity domain database schema name. To determine a valid schema name, see the documentation for the database that you are using. Schema name restrictions apply for some databases.
Value: A valid schema name. For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be less than 10 characters.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: customization
source.customization.DbNameOnZosDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. If WebSphere Portal is configured to use a remote DB2 for z/OS database, the value should be the name of the remote customization domain database. If WebSphere Portal is installed on z/OS and is configured to use DB2 for z/OS, the value must be set equal to the value in the customization.DbName parameter.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSTST02
source.customization.DataSourceNameDescription: Name of datasource to use for the WebSphere Portal Customization domain database.
Value: The following reserved names must not be specified: releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, feedback
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpdbDS
source.customization.DbUrlDescription: This value is the wps customization domain database URL.
Value: The database element of this value should match the value of DbName property.For IBM DB2 for i when WebSphere Portal is installed on a UNIX platform, add ;prompt=false to the URL unless X11 DISPLAY is set and active.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location name of the database to be used when establishing connections with the IBM DB2 datasource used by the portal.
Examples: Use one of the following examples with values specific to database.Derby database: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> :50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; Where the port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux)
IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/wpsdb;metadata source=1
IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostname> /wpsdb;metadata source=1
Remote IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostname> /wpsdb;metadata source=1;prompt=false
DB2 for z/OS: jdbc:db2: <location>
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> : <port> / <location>
Thin Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ <YourDatabaseServer> :1521:wpsdb
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008: jdbc:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=wpsdb
DataDirect SQL Server 2005 and 2208: jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb
Default: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
source.customization.DbUserDescription: Database user ID.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: db2admin
source.customization.DbPasswordDescription: Database password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
source.customization.DbRuntimeUserDescription: Optional parameter. WebSphere Portal will use this ID to connect to the customization database during day-to-day operations. If WebSphere Portal can connect using the same ID used during configuration, the source.customization.DbUser value, then leave this value blank.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples available.Default: no default is available
source.customization.DbRuntimePasswordDescription: Database runtime user password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbRuntimePwd
source.customization.XDbNameDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2. Required for local DB2 database using a Type 2 JDBC driver. The name of the customization database alias that needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wps6TCP
source.customization.DbNodeDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2. Node for the WebSphere Portal Customization domain database and needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsNode
source.customization.DbStorageGroupDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. Storage group for the WebSphere Portal customization database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSSG
source.customization.DbVolumesDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. Volumes for the WebSphere Portal customization database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: *
source.customization.DbVcatDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the VCAT for the WebSphere Portal customization database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: DSN810
source.customization.DbIndex4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database. This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP3
source.customization.Db4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP2
source.customization.Db32KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. This value is the 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal customization database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP32K
source.customization.RequiredJdbcSpecMajorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec major level for the customization database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available,Default: 4
source.customization.RequiredJdbcSpecMinorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec minor level for the customization database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples available.Default: 0
source.customization.SupportingSoftwareSiteDescription: Supporting software site for the customization database domain.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg27007791 -
JCR Database Properties
Value: The following are valid database types:IBM DB2: db2
IBM DB2 for i: db2_iseries
IBM DB2 for z/OS: db2_zos
Derby: derby
Microsoft SQL Server 2005: sqlserver2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2008: sqlserver2005
Oracle Database: oracle
Examples: None availableDefault: No default value
source.jcr.DbNameDescription: Name of the JCR database. Should also appear as the database element in jcr.DbUrl.
Value: The following conditions effect the value for this property:When WebSphere Portal is configured to use IBM DB2 for i, this value must be unique for this domain.
When WebSphere Portal is installed on Linux and UNIX-based platforms and configured to use a DB2 database, this value is the TCPIP Alias for the database.
When WebSphere Portal is configured to use a remote IBM DB2 for i, the value must include the host name, such as: hostname/wpscstdb
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsdb
source.jcr.DbSchemaDescription: Commnity domain database schema name. To determine a valid schema name, see the documentation for the database that you are using. Schema name restrictions apply for some databases.
Value: A valid schema name. For IBM DB2 for i, this value must be less than 10 characters.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: jcr
source.jcr.DbNameOnZosDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS only. If WebSphere Portal is configured to use a remote DB2 for z/OS database, the value should be the name of the remote JCR domain database. If WebSphere Portal is installed on z/OS and is configured to use DB2 for z/OS, the value must be set equal to the value in the jcr.DbName parameter.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSTST02
source.jcr.DataSourceNameDescription: Name of datasource to use for the WebSphere Portal JCR domain database.
Value: The following reserved names must not be specified: releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, feedback
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpdbDS
source.jcr.DbUrlDescription: This value is the wps JCR domain database URL.
Value: The database element of this value should match the value of DbName property.For IBM DB2 for i when WebSphere Portal is installed on a UNIX platform, add ;prompt=false to the URL unless X11 DISPLAY is set and active.
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, the database element of this value should match the location name of the database to be used when establishing connections with the IBM DB2 datasource used by the portal.
Examples: Use one of the following examples with values specific to database.Derby database: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> :50000/wpsdb:returnAlias=0; Where the port is usually 50000 (Windows) or 50001 (Linux)
IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/wpsdb;metadata source=1
IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostname> /wpsdb;metadata source=1
Remote IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400: <hostname> /wpsdb;metadata source=1;prompt=false
DB2 for z/OS: jdbc:db2: <location>
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:wpsdb
Remote DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2:// <YourDatabaseServer> : <port> / <location>
Thin Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ <YourDatabaseServer> :1521:wpsdb
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008: jdbc:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=wpsdb
DataDirect SQL Server 2005 and 2208: jdbc:datadirect:sqlserver:// <YourDatabaseServer> :1433;DatabaseName=wpsdb
Default: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true
source.jcr.DbUserDescription: Database user ID.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: db2admin
source.jcr.DbPasswordDescription: Database password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
source.jcr.DbRuntimeUserDescription: Optional parameter. WebSphere Portal will use this ID to connect to the JCR database during day-to-day operations. If WebSphere Portal can connect using the same ID used during configuration, the source.jcr.DbUser value, then leave this value blank.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples available.Default: no default is available
source.jcr.DbRuntimePasswordDescription: Database runtime user password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbRuntimePwd
source.jcr.XDbNameDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2. Required for local DB2 database using a Type 2 JDBC driver. Name of the JCR database alias that needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wps6TCP
source.jcr.DbNodeDescription: Required for Linux and UNIX-based platforms when using DB2. The node for the WebSphere Portal JCR domain database and needs to be set if you want to call the create-database task.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: wpsNode
source.jcr.DbSaPasswordDescription: Optional for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008. This value is the SQL Server System Administrator password.
Value: Alphanumeric text string
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
source.jcr.DbHostDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS. The host name (only) of remote system hosting the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: hostname
source.jcr.DbDomainDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS. The domain (not including hostname) of the remote system hosting the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: yourco.com
source.jcr.DbPortDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS using type 4 JDBC drivers. The port number of DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database on the remote system.
Value: Port number
Examples: No examples are available.Default: 446
source.jcr.ZosDbPrefixDescription: Required for DB2 for z/OS. Common prefix of Node Type database names for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: ICM
source.jcr.ZosDbMaxTablesDescription: Required only for IBM DB2 for z/OS. The maximum number of User Defined Tables to be stored in a particular Node Type DB in the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database.
Value: numeric
Examples: No examples are available.Default: 400
source.jcr.DbStorageGroupDescription: Required only for IBM DB2 for z/OS. Storage group for the WebSphere Portal JCR database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: WPSSG
source.jcr.DbVolumesDescription: Required only for IBM DB2 for z/OS. Volumes for the WebSphere Portal JCR database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: *
source.jcr.DbVcatDescription: Required only for IBM DB2 for z/OS. This value is the VCAT for the WebSphere Portal JCR database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: DSN810
source.jcr.DbIndex4KBufferPoolNameDescription: TRequired only for IBM DB2 for z/OS. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal JCR database. This bufferpool is dedicated for the indices.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP3
source.jcr.Db4KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required only for IBM DB2 for z/OS. This value is the 4K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal JCR database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP2
source.jcr.Db32KBufferPoolNameDescription: Required only for IBM DB2 for z/OS. This value is the 32K bufferpool name for the WebSphere Portal JCR database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: BP32K
source.jcr.RequiredJdbcSpecMajorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec major level for the JCR database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available,Default: 4
source.jcr.RequiredJdbcSpecMinorLevelDescription: Required JDBC spec minor level for the JCR database.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples available.Default: 0
source.jcr.SupportingSoftwareSiteDescription: Supporting software site for the JCR database domain.
Value: No values are available.
Examples: No examples are available.Default: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg27007791 -
Configuration properties reference