Writing an aggregator for Active Site Analytics

You can write own scripts to retrieve the data for Active Site Analytics from the portal themes and skins. Such scripts are called aggregators. The portal Page Builder theme includes a sample aggregator.

The portal themes and skins come with plugpoints that allow you to inject custom Javascript snippets. These scripts are called aggregators. You can write such an aggregator to retrieve the instances of the microformat in which you are interested. For example, this can be all CSS classes that start with asa. You can extract that data and submit it to the external analytics service where the data are then recorded and processed for evaluation.

The aggregator script is typically a JavaScript file.

The portal Page Builder theme provides a sample script file named asa_sample.js. This is a standard JavaScript implementation of code that builds URLs with Active Site Analytics parameters.
Tips for using the sample aggregator: When you use the sample aggregator file, be aware of the following points:

Additional tips for writing aggregators:

How to identify and resolve problems: If Active Site Analytics is not working correctly, perform the following checks:

Aggregators are regular JavaScript files. Therefore all tools and helpers that are applicable to generic JavaScript debugging also apply to developing and debugging an aggregator.


Analyzing user behavior by Active Site Analytics
How Active Site Analytics data is represented in the portal

Related tasks

Add an Active Site Analytics aggregator to a portal page
Instrument a theme for Active Site Analytics
Configure an aggregator at runtime
Inject custom aggregators
Aggregator JSP

  Submitted by s uhlig on Sep 21, 2010 9:49:42 AM

Writing an aggregator for Active Site Analytics: wp7

The default theme in WebSphere Portal uses Dojo, which can also be used in aggregators.


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