Work with mashup pages in spaces
Users can perform several tasks on pages by using the Space Manager.
They are listed in the following.
Edit page properties
Users can change the page name and the theme that is assigned to the page. They can also define wiring options.
Add a new page
Users can create new pages in different ways:
Create an empty pageThe user needs Editor role rights on the parent page under which the user adds the new page.
Copy an existing pageThe user needs Editor role rights on the parent page under which the new page is added and User role rights on the original page that the user is copying. When a user copies a page, the copy operation only copies the selected page, but not the whole page hierarchy that might be beneath the selected page.
Add a page from the Mashup Center catalogThe user needs Editor role on the parent page under which the user adds the new page. This option is available only when the portal is configured with the Mashup Center catalog.
Change sharing options
Users can change the sharing options on a page, that is assign User and Editor rights to other users.
Move a page
When users move a page, they can do this in the following two ways:
Move the page from one parent to another.To be able to do this, users need Manager rights on the page that they want to move and Editor rights on the target parent page.
Reorder the page, that is, move it to another position under the same parent page.The user who want to do this, needs all of the following role access rights:
- User rights on the page that the user wants to reorder
- User role rights on the sibling page that the user wants to reorder
- Editor role rights on the target parent page.
Publish a page
This option is available only when the portal is configured with Mashup Center catalog access rights. The user needs User rights on the page that the user wants to publish.
Export this page
To export a page P1, a user needs User rights on the page that the user wants to export.
Delete this page
To delete a page P1, the user must have access rights Manager@P1.
Work with mashup spaces