WebSphere Portal Support Statement

This support statement proposes a revision to the definition of "supported" and "unsupported" with respect to the various products of which WebSphere Portal depends on for proper operation.


WebSphere Portal requires the use of several collateral products for its normal operations. In particular, it requires WAS, a database, a repository for user information (typically an LDAP), and other products depending on specific customer requirements.

During the testing of a new release, Development generally tests WebSphere Portal with a prescribed list of these collateral products. These products are designated as "Supported Products" in the documented hardware and software requirements for that release.

Because the list of "Supported Products" cannot reasonably describe all possible configurations that a customer may need to use, some customers have voiced concerns about the level of support that will be provided for configurations that are not specifically designated as "Supported." This document is intended to provide clarification of the level of support that can be generally expected for the current release with various combinations of dependent products. Although the statements in this document reflect the general level of support that can be expected for WebSphere Portal, the terms and conditions of any specific support offering, license or other Agreement you might have with IBM will determine the actual delivered support for the product. Nothing herein shall be construed as supplementing, modifying or superseding the terms of IBM license agreement for WebSphere Portal or any other agreement you might have with IBM, nor shall it create any obligation for IBM to deliver a level of support other than might be set forth in such Agreements.

Categories of Support

There are three (3) categories of support for collateral products to WebSphere Portal. They are "Supported Products", "Newer Versions and Releases of Supported Products" and "Unsupported Products". The definition and support statement for each category follows:
Supported Product

Newer Versions and Releases of Supported Products

Unsupported Products

Support for LDAP Servers

LDAP support spans two (2) categories:
Fully tested and supported LDAP servers:

Untested and partially supported LDAP servers:

Support for External Security Managers (ESM)

ESM support spans two (2) categories:
Fully tested and supported ESM software:

Untested and partially supported ESM servers:


Plan to install WebSphere Portal

System requirements

  Submitted by Eli A Adler on Apr 27, 2011 10:42:47 AM

Re: WebSphere Portal Support Statement: wp7

I would like this link to be updated, to include ORACLE 'ASM' (Automatic Storage Management) support for Portal V7.

We have already confirmed with Portal Lab that Portal V7.0 IS supported with Oracle ASM. This information needs to be reflected in this Portal Support Statement.

Refer to: PMR: 00162,UMV,649 for full details.


Eli Adler - eli@ca.ibm.com


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