Use remote search service

You can configure the search portlets for local operation, or you can configure them for remote search service. Depending on configuration, remote search service might have performance benefits by offloading and balancing system load.

You can provide the remote search service either as an EJB or as a Web service via SOAP. Security can be enabled with EJB but not with SOAP. Also, separate WebSphere Portal environments cannot use the same remote search service. Only multiple WebSphere Portal nodes in the same cluster can use the same remote search service.

When you want to index and search portal sites, search results are filtered according to the user security credentials. This filtering occurs independently of whether security is enabled on the remote search server or not. However, if security is not enabled, an unauthorized user can connect to the remote server and obtain unfiltered search results. To prevent this, you need to use EJB and enable security on the remote server. For more information about enabling security on the remote search server, refer to Preparing security for remote search service in a single-signon domain.


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