Use WebDAV with WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Portal provides a Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) implementation that individual services can use by plugging into. WebDAV is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that allows you to collaborate on editing and managing files on remote Web servers. Caching Proxy supports WebDAV methods used by Microsoft Exchange Server, and user-defined (customized) methods. These methods are hard coded and managed by the Enable and Disable directives. Administrators can also use the corresponding method-mask defined in the PROTECT directive to authorize the use of these methods.
Examples of such services are:
WebDAV does not support secure connections, such as, HTTPS.
- WebDAV for managing pages and static content.
- WebDAV filestore. For example, this is used by mashup integration in the portal.
- WebDAV for Web Content Manager.
For details refer to the appropriate sections and topics.
- Use WebDAV file store for the Page Builder theme and mashup integration
- Serving HTTP OPTIONS requests to the server context root by WebDAV clients
- Work with WebDAV clients
Multiple virtual portals
Related tasks
Use WebDAV to manage pages and static content
Use WebDAV with Web content
Use WebDAV file store for the Page Builder theme and mashup integration