Upgrading the V6.1.x profile

To migrate properties, upgrade database domains, and apply other updates that are needed to bring the profile to the V7 level, run the upgrade-profile task.


Migrate the portal's V6.1 application server profile

  1. Change to the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine and then run the following command:

    • Windows™: ConfigEngine.bat upgrade-profile -DWasPassword=WasAdminPwd -DPortalAdminPwd=PortalAdminPwd

    • UNIX™: ConfigEngine.sh upgrade-profile -DWasPassword=WasAdminPwd -DPortalAdminPwd=PortalAdminPwd

    • i: ConfigEngine.sh upgrade-profile -DWasPassword=WasAdminPwd -DPortalAdminPwd=PortalAdminPwd

    • If you updated the database schemas manually, include the parameter -DDbSafeMode=true. For example: ConfigEngine.bat upgrade-profile -DWasPassword=WasAdminPwd -DPortalAdminPwd=PortalAdminPwd -DDbSafeMode=true

        Do not specify this parameter if you want the migration process to update the database schemas for you.

    • If you are migrating a large amount of content in the JCR repository (for example, Web Content Manager data), include the parameter -Dwcm.transactionTimeout=timeout_value. A value of at least 1200 is recommended and has been used successfully in IBM testing. For example: ConfigEngine.bat upgrade-profile -DWasPassword=WasAdminPwd -DPortalAdminPwd=PortalAdminPwd -Dwcm.transactionTimeout=1200.

  2. Copy the following file to the WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/bin directory.

    • Windows: $PORTAL_HOME/bin/UpdateProfile.bat

    • UNIX: $PORTAL_HOME/bin/UpdateProfile.sh

    • i: $PORTAL_HOME/bin/UpdateProfile.sh

  3. If you cloned the FileServer portlet in the earlier version and supplied HTML files in the wp_old_root/installedApps/FileServer_PA_1_0_4H.ear/FileServer.war/FileServerPortlet/html directory, copy those files to the $PORTAL_HOME/installedApps/cell_name/PA_FileServer.ear/FileServer.war/FileServerPortlet/html directory, after running the upgrade-profile task and before restarting the server, to make the files accessible in the new version.

      For i, the directories are wp_user_old_root and PORTAL_HOME_user, respectively.

  4. Verify the migrated portal.

    1. Start the portal server, if it is not running.

    2. Open a web browser and enter the URL for the migrated portal.

        The migrated portal URL takes this form:


        For example, if original portal URL is http://www.example.com:10040/wps/portal, the URL for the migrated portal is http://www.example.com:10040/wps_migrated/portal. During migration, the following changes are made to wkplc.properties stored in the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties directory:

        • The property WpsContextRootOriginal is set to the original value of the context root before migration was performed. This property is for reference only and is not used by the migrated portal.

        • The value of the WpsContextRoot property is set to the migrated value original-context-root_migrated (for example, wps_migrated).


Migrate a stand-alone portal that runs on a V6.1 application server


Update the configured database driver for DB2 for z/OS

Next topic

V6.1 Web content post migration steps

Related tasks

Update the database schemas

  Added step to manually copy UpdateProfile.


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