Update the group membership configuration on i
When you configure LDAP user registry, a group membership is automatically created. You may need to adjust the group membership configuration if you notice high loads on the LDAP server and/or long response times on authentication requests.
In single server environments, you do not have to start or stop the WebSphere_Portal and server1 servers to complete the following steps. In clustered environments, stop all application servers on system, including WebSphere_Portal, then start the nodeagent and dmgr servers before you begin any of the following steps.
To update the group membership configuration:
If you created clustered environment then performed the steps in this task, now run the update-jcr-admin task on the secondary node. See Enable LDAP security after cluster creation for instructions.
- Edit WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties/wkplc.properties
- Update the following required parameters in wkplc.properties under the VMM LDAP group member config heading:
- Save changes to wkplc.properties.
- Run the ConfigEngine.sh wp-create-ldap-groupconfig -DWasPassword=foo task, from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine, to update the group membership for the LDAP user registry.
- Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes.
Update user registry on i
Related tasks
Start and stop servers, dmgrs, and node agents
Enable LDAP security after cluster creation